
Feb 14, 2011 08:15

 Woke up this morning with Dancing Days by Led Zeppelin playing on a kind of continuous loop in my head, full stereo from ear to ear.  Normally I am anything but fond of earworms, but... back when I was in high school, this was my I-Am-In-A-Good-Mood-Bouncing-Off-The-Walls song, so it's kind of nice.  ^__^

Am all packed for Estrella War; now all I have to do is.... um.... clean like a mofo.  CLEAN ALL THE THINGS, AAARGH.  And pack the car, that too.  >_<  I'm waiting for a package to arrive from Thinkgeek.com that has a solar charger for my cellphone, mp3 player and Neo in it; stupid thing was supposed to arrive on Friday but they had an address snafu and it didn't.  Oh well... I suspect it won't arrive until this afternoon; at least that gives me time to properly clean.  My friend Sarah, bless her, is coming by to feed the fuzzbutts while I'm gone; it's so amazingly reassuring to know that somebody I can trust is doing so.  I'll still be calling in periodically to make sure they're okay-- they're my furry kids, after all.

Soon as I get back, it's plant-the-garden time.  We'll probably get some more cold weather, but DAMN I'm tired of seeing all that sad, dead grass and the weed-choked flowerbeds.  Veggies this year, I think-- beans and onions and tomatoes, and I'll plant that Desert Willow in my mom's memory that I promised myself I'd plant.  More herbs; maybe a few medicinals or dye-plants this year?   Wish I could manage to keep some violets alive, I'd like to have enough to candy-- but it's just too damn hot here, even if I plant 'em in full shade.  Meh.

Okay, time to start with the cleaning.  Be good while I'm gone, kids, and don't play your music too loud.  **sings:  Dancin' days are here again--**


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