
Jan 30, 2011 21:36

 Been playing with the Gaia avatar program for the last 15 minutes or so, just to amuse myself; I've done this a bunch of times, but it's always fun to produce a new avatar:

It's reasonably like me, though I think it needs more vivid color-streaks in the hair (mine shades from blonde bits through an awful lot of red to dark burgundy-brown) and it has a chest where I have none.  Couldn't manage copper glasses, but the red ones are close to the right shape.  And four ferrets!  Hanabi'd be the one on my head, I suspect.  :3  Heh; I really, really like the shoes.

Haven't done much today; felt kind of blah earlier and napped quite a lot, reading between naps and doing a bit of laundry.  I did finish Terry Pratchett's I Shall Wear Midnight, which utterly rocked; hope it's not the last Tiffany book in the Discworld series, though it may well be.

Spent yesterday down in Sierra Vista planning out the Dark Horde camp at Estrella War; dear gods, we only have what? TWO WEEKS until Estrella?!?  Doesn't seem possible.  And in that time I plan on making at least two new SCA dresses and one underdress.  I can do it; they'll be simple, but they'll do.  I'm pretty well off on everything else, I think, and I plan on pulling a lot of security shifts this year plus more chirurgeon stuff-- that was interesting last time.  Oh, and I will NOT boil my hands this war, I swear it.  Won't swear I won't get myself injured in some other way (since I seem to be so good at it) but I'll do my best not to.

Tomorrow morning my BeBook Neo arrives; I got permission to stay home and wait for it (it's coming FedEx and requires a signature) since it's supposed to be here by 10:30 at the latest; we'll see.  But in any case, that means a week of working through lunch or coming in an hour early to make up for the lost time; I can't afford to waste PTO time at the moment, not with a 5-day absence coming up.  Work's been crazily stressful lately, though not so bad as it was last week; I need the days off badly, and I'm really looking forward to them.

Okay, gotta go get stuff out of the dryer, figure out the week's clothes and put away dinner; how very domestic.  Play nice, kids.  I'll review the Neo soon as I've poked at it sufficiently.

neo, life as i know it

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