
Jun 25, 2010 00:14

Here I sit in Las Vegas International Airport at just before midnight, eating really awful Chicken Alfredo from the airport Pizza Hut.  There's really nothing else open that serves what could be vaguely called food, though the 'Home Turf' sports bar is starting to look reeeeeeeally appealing.  I mean, beer has vitamins, right?  Guinness is good for you!

Been flying/wandering-airports-like-a-lost-soul for the past 6 hours and a bit; I flew from Tucson to Phoenix, from Phoenix to Las Vegas; next I'll fly at 1a.m. to Minneapolis and from there to Pittsburgh to visit nightengale .   It's been a horribly stressful last couple of days, some of which I'm still dealing with-- I wish I could let things go.  I'm not good at it, but the more that gets pointed out to me the worse I am at it.  Just one of those 'being alive' hazards, I guess.

Just had a rather interesting moment on the airport tram to the D Gates.  I'm wearing a rather silly t-shirt that has a line of kanji across it and the English translation (I hope) below, saying 'talk nerdy to me'.  I got onto the tram... and found myself in the middle of a small group of Japanese young women, travelers like me.  Every one of 'em kept stealing looks at my shirt and nudging each other.  Awkward much?  I just kind of huddled there and hoped that the kanji actually DID say what it was supposed to do, and not something like 'I give great blowjobs' or some such.  Will have to sit down and look at it hard with the kanji-book out, I guess.

Wow, this is TERRIBLE Chicken Alfredo, you know?  Still, airport noms are far and few between, and I still have an hour before my next flight.

I think my coworkers didn't quite believe I was actually going off on a vacation.  I got lots of odd looks and the occasional 'you're coming back, right?' comment-- it was very weird.  Please, all you gods that look after travelers... let this be a GOOD trip and not an angst-ridden voyage of the Good Ship Anxiety; much more stress and something's gonna break, I swear.  Probably me; I need this.  Okay, that sounded desperate, but I really do.

Tomorrow morning I'll arrive in Pittsburgh-- okay, since now it's one minute past midnight, THIS morning-- and I'll get to hug the hell out of nightengale  and her friend Kristi and her cat Brayface and a bunch of people I hear about but've never met.  There's my first Furry convention (AnthroCon, I'll be helping nightengale  vend) and a BJD-meet and knitting and trips to museums and the National Aviary in my future, and then we're heading to NYC for a few days-- gonna meet my relatives there too and spend the 4th in the Apple, which ought to be amazing.  ^__^  If that's not a recipe for losing stress, I don't know what is.  So here's hoping.

This Chicken Alfredo... is CRUNCHY.  Eeew.

Had to mail a couple of things back to myself-- man, security at this airport is pretty tough.  Nobody's ever caught onto my McGyver Card or my little key gizmo before (the Card has screwdriver bits and a magnifying glass and a bottle-opener and a very sharp knife; it's the size and shape of a credit-card and I've flown with it in my bag for more than ten years.)  But they did here, and I had to tag and bag 'em and mail them back to my apartment; damn.  Should've put them into the suitcase, but truthfully I just forgot.  I *did* remember to put my folding knife there, though.

Okay, time to fold up camp and head on to my gate, I guess.  Hope I can sleep on the plane-- the flight's three hours long.  Was hoping to do some writing, but it's not to be, sadly.  Oh well; I won't croak.  Onward and outward, Ysabet!

Urgh.  Goodbye, Chicken Alfredo.  Yuck.

Next entry will be from Pittsburgh!  ^__^


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