Something very precious...

Jun 20, 2010 19:50

 My younger sister Denise just sent me something amazing.

My dad spent most of his life playing guitar; I've talked about that on here before, about him playing gigs for a living, meeting my mom during WWII while he played on a USO bandstand, playing swing and jazz in a local large group right up until only two years before his death... and I've talked about his guitar-- it's a '36 Gibson, enameled flat black from his days playing on black-and-white TV. It's trimmed in ivory and mother-of-pearl, and it now belongs to my nephew Alex.

Somehow Denise managed to upload a bit off an old 1989 VHS tape of my dad playing on a Panama City local-news show called 'Daybusters'; she got it up onto Youtube and sent me the link just now:

image Click to view

This-- I don't even know how to say what this means to me, especially today of all days.  My dad died almost eight years ago; this is the first time I've heard him play in about a decade, except for in dreams.

Thank you, Denise.  Thank you very much.
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