What I did on my Summer Vacation...

Aug 18, 2009 16:09

Well.  To quote a certain person, what a long strange trip it's been...

I only have a little while to write this since I & my sister and brother-in-law are going out to dinner, but I thought I'd post some photos from the New Orleans part of the vacation while I had a minute.  Here we go:

The 'Bloody Mary' Tour Of The Undead

The Aquarium of The Americas

The Red Dress Run

A Horse-drawn carriage ride and lots of general photos

So yeah, we did a lot of touristy things and I enjoyed them tons.  I have an entire batch of nonuploaded pics from Panama City and so forth, but they'll have to wait a few days-- my internet connection's pretty chancy at the moment.  I'm still staying at my older sister's place and I've seen my mom quite a lot; she's... words fail me, and I don't want to talk about that right now.  It *has* been good to see my family, and I'm glad I came; but I'll be glad to go home again too.

Okay, I think we're heading out; off I go.  I'll post the rest later.


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