State-Of-The-Ysabet Address

Aug 12, 2009 19:16

Hiya! Just a very quick summary of what's going on, but first and formost a very large Happy Birthday to two very good friends as of 8/10 & 8/12:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sorchafyre AND nightengale

I have presents for you both, but I can't send 'em until I get back from vacation.

And speaking of which... I headed out last Friday to the lovely city of New Orleans; it was magnificent, I ate tons of food and saw some fantastic things-- we went on a Ghost Tour and rode the St. Charles trolly and drank far, far too much (no more Zombies, thanks, ever again) and saw a humongous number of guys in drag-- check out the New Orleans Red Dress Run if you don't believe me. I have TONS of photos & I'll post 'em when I can.

I also heard of the death of my very good SCA friend and brother within the Dark Horde, Yehuda. His memorial site is here. Yehuda, my very dear bear of a man, I will miss your hugs of welcome and your friendship until the day I see you again.

So: now I'm back in my home town for a bit more than a week (I fly out on the 22nd), house-sitting for my younger sister while she finishes out her vacation in New Orleans. I've got access to what seems like billions of TV channels, I'm heading out to the beach tomorrow morning, I've got seafood restaurants everywhere around me, I have relatives here in town... and oddly enough, it's hard to know what to do next. But it's nice to kick back and just relax, no worries about work. My mom is... it's kind of difficult to describe this. She seems fine, if a little fuzzy-- and then a few minutes later she doesn't remember where she is or where we're going. She talked to me when I saw her yesterday, and she wasn't all that different (though my GODS she's feeble)-- but then a little while later she couldn't recall that I'd had cancer, and she asked my sister if I'd ever married or had kids. And that...

Well. It scares the hell out of me.

I'm going to take it a day at a time. Tomorrow I'm gonna take her out to dinner somewhere in the early evening, not sure where-- somewhere she likes. Gonna have to watch the spending, but I can manage that. Next week's her 83rd birthday and I'm glad I'm here for it; seems like damn near EVERYBODY'll be here, my brother arrives in two days and my aunt (her only surviving sibling) got here today. We haven't had a reunion like this in years.

So-- we'll see how it goes, hmm?

vacation, family

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