Four very different things

Feb 24, 2009 11:44

1.  Today is my father's birthday.  The fact that he died seven years ago doesn't take that away from me or from him; he would've been 85 years old today, had he lived.  I remember his music, his jokes, his pig-headed pain-in-the-ass stubbornness (that I inherited in droves) and his optimism; he damn well wasn't any sort of saint, but he was a good and loving father and husband and I miss him a lot.  He was my fishing-buddy, he taught me how to read music and to tune a guitar by ear, the history of radio, the practical benefits of pulling pranks, and why you shouldn't ignore that smokey smell coming from your car-engine.   Happy birthday, Daddy; I love you, I hope you're happy wherever you are, and I hope there's a lot of good jazz and swing there.

2.  I bought a sewing-machine!  It's my friend Sara's, a couple years old but a really excellent Kenmore and we're both happy with the deal.  w00t!

3.  I HAZ STUFF UP ON ETSY!  Finally; six hand-felted acorn-shaped pincushions (which I call 'Nutjobs'), to be found at  Thanks, nightengale , for nudging me to finally do this!  **rubs hands together** And now if they'll just sell..... and I need to get the other stuff posted too.

4.  And speaking of nightengale ... I CAN HAZ SPRING BREAK!  Even though I'm not in school, 'cause she's coming for a week in March and we're going places!  Oh my freaking GODS do I need a break...  **dancedancedance**  Sedona, here we come!

birthdays, vacation, family, etsy

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