Breakfast of Champions (or was that 'champignons'? No, that's French for 'mushrooms')

Jan 04, 2009 10:03

Woke up this morning wanting a little something different for breakfast; so I lay in bed thinking about what I had in the kitchen and what I felt like eating, fired up the laptop and poked around a bit, and here’s the results:

Lemon-poppyseed Muffins For One

(adapted from a recipe found on

¼ cup soft butter

1/3 cup sugar

1 egg, separated

2/3 cup plain flour

½ tsp baking powder

¼ tsp baking soda

1 tbsp poppyseeds

Zest of a lemon, very finely grated

Dash of salt

¼ cup yoghurt or buttermilk

1 tbsp lemonjuice

½ tsp vanilla

SUGAR GLAZE:  About 2 tbsp powdered sugar and a bit of lemon-juice; mix until thick and spreadable.

1.  Preheat to 350 degrees F.
2.  Blend all ingredients except eggwhite.  NOTE:  I didn't have plain yoghurt or buttermilk (or sour-cream or plain milk that I could sour, all of which would work) but I *did* have some boysenberry yoghurt, which I strained.  It worked fine.)
3.  Whip eggwhite in a separate bowl until stiff peaks form; fold into mixture.
4.  Butter/oil/line with muffin-cups a total of five muffin-tin spaces; spoon in batter.
5.  Bake for about 17 minutes.  Give muffins about a minute to cool, then spread the glaze on and then allow to cool a few more minutes before eating.  Om nom nom!

XD  Verrrrrry tasty and well worth the, what? Ten minutes of effort, max?  I mean, grating the zest was the hardest part, so no big deal.  As I said, om nom nom!  =^_^=

Gonna spend the day cleaning, mostly, and playing with balls of string/pointy sticks.  Hopefully the Great Catchup Photo Post Of Doomly Doom will go up this evening.


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