
Jan 02, 2009 11:55

Okay, it's resolution time.  Not something I'm fond of, but something I need to do-- or rather some things I need to do.  So I've picked ten of 'em to post here and look back at as checkpoints.  Are they stern-and-fast, ironclad You-Must-Do-These-Or-Be-An-Utter-Worthless-Incompetent things?  No, they're reminders that my world'll be a better place if I can manage them over the next year.  So, let's see... a lot of these'll be trite old standbys, but you know, that doesn't make them any less worthy goals to reach for.

1.  Attempt to post a minimum of four chapters of Windfall and maybe actually finish the @#$$%!! thing.
2.  Learn how to knit cables.
3.  Deal with my godsdamn ex-husband and his wife moving back in a way that does not involve sepukku, homicide, public humiliation (of either them or me, though if I have to pick it's damn well ME that isn't getting humiliated), hermitting or legal action.
4.  Go someplace new, someplace I've never ever been.
5.  Learn how to throw knives and pick locks properly.  No more of this half-assed 'Well, I can manage a padlock' thing!
6.  Stop freaking out over things I can't change.
7.  Learn a completely new skill, ability or craft-- something totally foreign to me.
8.  Lose weight.  Not gonna specify an amount, but lose some weight Ysabet.  You'll live longer.
9.  Sell at least one story, dammit.
10. Keep apartment/yard up better; there are habits and ways to manage this that need to be worked out.

Had a nice, rather quiet holiday, actually; I spent New Year's Eve and New Year's Day both at John & Linda's place, helping make tamales (gods, they were delicious!) on the Eve and watching fireworks at midnight; lovely clear night, not as cold as it had been.  And on the Day we goofed off most of the time; I got several belated projects finished (I'll post pics in the next entry, which will be a massive catching-up pics post anyway) and gave away several late gifts, and that evening I made Chocolate Lava Cakes for all.  Mmmmmmmm.... tasty goodness.......

And we watched much Criminal Minds, episodes of which kept me rivited and occasionally pissed me off.  People kept getting attacked in kitchens.  What was wrong with them, why didn't they flail around until they grabbed something useful?  A kitchen's an armory on a small scale, it has more things to cut/stab/bludgeon with than anywhere else-- hell, if they had a single hand free they could've at least knocked everything on the counter off or started kicking cabinets for general mahem and distractability!  I know, I know, you don't usually *think* in a situation where somebody's grabbed you from behind, you tear at them with anything free (usually futilly) or you freeze like a baby bunny.  But-- aagh.  It just made me angry.  The one time I was grabbed from behind by a worker in a JayCee's Haunted House (which they're not supposed to do; he got fired for it) I bit the living shit out of his arm until the man bled.  **headshake** I'd go totally berserko, I suspect; maybe it'd be useless, but I damn well wouldn't freeze up, or I hope I wouldn't.  I guess you really don't know; I like to think that my Inner Homicidal Maniac would overcome my Inner Baby Bunny, but... oh well.  Hopefully I'll never have to find out.

Meh....... anyway.  Good times with friends, and morgan_idril gave me the most beautiful copper chiming-ball decorated with silver dolphins; I love it!  Gifts this year have been wonderful.  Now, if I could only just figure out something to get for my younger sister's birthday next week.....


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