Writer's Block: Gobble Gobble

Nov 27, 2008 08:15

Heh; snagged this from zombiepuppy .  XD

Me, I *like* to cook; always have.  Hate to clean up afterwards (>_<) but I like to cook.  This year I'm taking it easy and making a Key Lime Pie, fresh cranberry sauce and some pumpkin-bread-- nothing fancy.

I have a lot of good memories of my family getting together at holidays.  A huge part of my perceptions (more than ever these days) are linked to scents; and one of my Thanksgiving memory-tags comes from the scent of slightly-overdone bread, because my mom would ALWAYS, ALWAYS burn the rolls or biscuits.  They'd come out of the oven with their bottoms somewhat hockey-puck-like, but we'd eat them anyway.

I've never gone way out and done anything elaborate for Thanksgiving, it's mostly been the traditional stuff with a southern slant to it (I miss collards and turnip-greens), but I swear, gonna get me a smoker sometime soon; smoked turkey is not to be sneezed at, and that's what I grew up with.  I'm not knocking the regular oven-roasted turkey; that's what lil_1337  will be making today, and it'll be gorgeous; but maybe for Christmas I can manage to smoke one.  That'd be good.

Happy Big!Dead!Bird! Day to everyone, and may we all have something to be thankful for; I do.  Wonderful family and friends, a job I can deal with, no illnesses too big to combat, a roof over my head-- all that.  I'm good.

holidays, writer's block, cooking

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