Southern Crusades photos

Nov 11, 2008 21:58

Happy Labor Day, all, now that it's almost over...  Didn't do much today; I had it off from work, thank the gods.  Did a lot of nothing much, just lazing about while laundry ran, watched the rest of Sleepy Hollow (mmm, Johnny Depp, om nom nom), napped, knitted bunches...  A good day of relaxation.

But!  I did finally manage to get my set of Southern Crusades photos up, edited and labeled; and here they are!  ^__^  There's at least one of myself in a rather polluted state that I'm not quite sure I'm thrilled with having up, but oh well.  XP

Back to work tomorrow; short week, so I'll be working my ass off double-time, I suspect.  Did a little more research on The Project today, and now my brain's full of plans for building and experimentation.  Muhahahah!!!

(...also?  To everybody who commented to me after my freak-out about my ex moving back, my great thanks to you all.  I'll deal, and I'll take what I was told to heart.  You're an incredible bunch of people, you do know that, right?  <3)

sca, pics

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