*WELL* now...

Oct 19, 2008 16:44

...just got off the phone with T-Mobile, and I'm all set up.  My new phone (a Nokia 6263) should get here by Thursday at the latest, and it turns out that I can keep my original landline phone #, which is all good.  **happy** So I don't have to call places I send bills to, family and friends and make sure they have the cell #-- it'll be the same.  The guy who helped me through this had a nice voice, was a bit geeky, and told me something I didn't know: my credit's better than I thought.  Nice to hear, since I've been trying to build it up ever since the divorce.  Guess it doesn't hurt that I'm only two payments from completing my car loan.

Massive thanks go to nightingale, tranquil_ashes  and the Cheesecrack group for their help and good advice; soon as the phone arrives, I'm to call T-mobile and set things in place cancelling my land-line and switching service over.  Hey, Icka?  You said something about needing a phone-- you want my Oyster cellphone?  Not fancy, no, but you've used it and you know it works-- it's yours if you want it.  If you don't, I'll donate it to the womens' shelter.

All in all, it'll cost me way less to have this, probably as much as $40-$50 less per month.  That's a good thing, I think.  Gonna have to get religious about charging it, though, and keep a charger at work as well as at home.  The battery-life's much better than my old one's was, but still.

Had a nice, quiet day today; I enjoyed it.  Yesterday I screwed up on my knitting class (it's next week, aaagh) but spent some time chatting with the owner of the shop-- nice lady, I showed her lazulisong's yarn that I'll be turning into a stuffed lobster-toy and she was highly impressed; we discussed the fact that the term 'garish' should not have bad connotations when in reference to yarnstuff, and that the many hues of green-blue-violet actually qualified as 'vibrant'.  ^__^  Afterwards I went over and helped avilina  and taranos  move into their new place along with the rest of their crew; magnificent house!  **waaaaaants**  Owwwiiiieeeee, aching muscles!  But all they had left for today was the kitchen and some cleaning stuff, so I think we did a damn fine job.  After that, I ended up at lil_1337 and her hubby's home for a Cheesecrack get-together and to say hi to Icka's dad, who was briefly in town; good to see him again.  Good to see everyone, for that matter.

Mmmmm... I needed today to be a down-day; needed peace and quiet and comfortable, sleepy calm for a change.  Maybe I should've been more productive (hey, I've worked on socks and wound yarn!) but what the hell?  Tonight I'll go back to cutting out garb and tomorrow I'll work my ass off for my paycheck; I earn my peace and quiet.

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