Photos, music, ramblings, that sort of stuff

Aug 14, 2008 06:51

Biiiig storm last night; Bob The Manx hid under the covers with me for ages. He can be so cuddly when he's in the mood...

Photos! Photos! I promised earlier that I’d post photos of last weekend’s hiking trip with elinor_dear , lil_1337 and ferretgirl_1124 , so here they are. Enjoy! I had a wonderful time, despite being so tired afterwards I was absolutely useless. The last two pics in the lot are also of my Phoenix Rising t-shirt, won in the domino_effect raffle recently-looks good, doesn’t it? **preens**

Long day; gonna be shorter than usual, though, because I’m leaving early to mail off a package. Got a stress-and-sinuses-headache from hell, but hopefully it’ll get better as the day goes on-I’m working on it, and working on my mood too. Life’s too short to stay depressed or stressed out.

And to that end… a little music.

I shall now proceed to pimp music at people because… it’s Thursday. And I can. And I have been prodded to do so, with cause. ^__^

First off, we shall rave about a group called Blitzen Trapper, which is very retro in some songs and very not in others. I love their stuff, though-it’s 1960’s headrush music, and ‘Wild Mountain Nation’ sounds like you need to fan out the room you’ve played it in just in case the cops drive by. So here’s a sample of their stuff:

Wild Mountain Nation
Come out from the world and into my arms
Like wind on the water will move
With wings like the eagles and hearts like the sun--

You’ve shook a lot of appletrees
In your life…

City like a drum,
Beaten by the long arm of the sun…

Dreamers & Giants
’Sadness’, if I recollect, is your name…

Crazy On You
You don’t need to wonder,
You’re doin’ fine;
And my love, the pleasure’s mine…

Next, we have a single song by a group called Quietdrive-- anybody know anything about them? Or can send me songs of theirs? I’ve always liked this song (original cover was by Cyndi Lauper, I think) and this makes me like it even more.

Time After Time
If you’re lost and you look
Then you will find me time after time;
If you fall I will catch you,
I’ll be waiting time after time.

One more solo song, this one by John Mayer. Man, he’s updated his sound… (psst: hey, Em? This’s a Seto song!):

Bigger Than My Body
This is a call to the colorblind,
This is an IOU--
I'm stranded behind the horizon line
Tied up in something true…

Aaaand lastly, some more Carbon Leaf music. ‘A Girl And Her Horse’ has me, let us say, slightly confused/amused… part of my brain keeps yelling “PERFECTLY INNOCENT SONG! SHAME ON YOU, EVIL PERSON!’ and the rest keeps going ‘BUT LOOKIT THE SYMBOLISM…’ Umm. Makes the song way different if you listen to it with that in mind. Me, I shall not second-guess the artists. Moving right along… ‘Raise The Roof’’s just damn pretty; I love the lyrics so much. And ‘Home’ feels very long-day-coming-to-an-end, very nicely, while ‘Learn To Fly’ makes me tear up a bit. All good music, all very listenable.

A Girl And Her Horse
And away she rides with the best in show--
You know unicorns don't exist, of course,
But every girl in this world has a horse.

Learn To Fly
Hello, good-bye,
Two birds hover inside of a heart factory
Holding on to recovery…

Raise The Roof (I had to send this one via instead of; too big. If somebody needs it after the filesend runs out, let me know, okay?)
The wisest advice to me that I didn’t teach
Was to lock up your heart but keep the key within reach;
Touch me again in my dreams ‘til I feel
(Touch me again ‘til I wake and it’s real)
Dance ‘til you fall, love ‘til you die, shut your mouth: Raise the roof.

It’s almost time to ride; align,
Melt these hemispheres into one,
Dull and Shine intertwine.
I’m torn away, I’m up and down,
It’s almost time…

Enjoy, y’all. And if anybody wants to send a bit of their own music my way (Quietdrive’s stuff’d be particularly welcome, I’m really curious about them, or good things by John Mayer) it’d be accepted by greedy welcoming hands.

This weekend I think I’ll be doing some birthday stuff for ; but after that, I’m heading out again. I’m going to try to get out for one good hike every weekend, and this time I think I’ll head for Saguaro National Forest Eastside on Sunday. I’ve been walking at night, too, usually just a two-mile length; the other night I put on some *really* bouncy music on my mp3 player’s go-list and upped the pace… and my muscles are still complaining. Must be doing them some good, though, or at least I hope so. If anybody local wants to join me on the walk, let me know, okay? I promise we won’t have to head out so damn early this time. ^__^

music, hikes

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