Why halo thar, Monsoon Season...

Jun 27, 2008 06:29

...and I have descended into LOLspeak, why?  Beats me.  But yes, I think I can say the season's finally started; we had tons of rain yesterday (it started in the afternoon and poured) and today the air feels like it's just been put through the world's biggest washing-machine, all damp and fresh and wrinkle-free.  I drove home yesterday through a DAMN impressive lightning display; my car stereo was playing VNV Nation's song Fearless through the majority of it and oh it made a great soundtrack. I love watching lightning!

Long week.  I talked to my sister Denise again yesterday, and it looks like the new meds have helped a little... but y'know, it's only been a week; maybe with some time--  Mama's still doing some very, very odd things.  The nurses had to clear out her fridge because it had a lot of old, unsafe stuff that had spoiled in it, and apparently she got snagged by a telemarketer over the phone and now has a subscription to a very expensive golf magazine.  Golf??  WTF?  I think my mom's played golf maybe half a dozen times in my LIFE, all of 'em the putt-putt-golf variety where the main aim is to put the ball through the swinging monkey's cupped hands or in through the drawbridge of the tacky cement castle.  GOLF??  When asked about it, she adamantly claimed that "she hadn't given her credit card number over the phone, that woman had.  You know, that woman."  Uhuh.  Like the two boys she keeps claiming sleep on the floor of her room every night.  **sigh** So-- they're keeping an eye on her phonecalls from the front desk now, trying to prevent any more subscription issues (so to speak.)  Supposedly she had been put on the National Do Not Call registry, but last night I went on there and reloaded her number and didn't receive any messages about 'already in registry'.  So, I dunno.  I just don't know.  I'd like to get my hands on that telemarketer, though; bet I could find a new home for their golf-club, and I wouldn't be using a putter, I'd use the biggest freaking driver I could find.

Meh.  Monsoon season brings something else in me out: restlessness.  I'm tired of staying home every night, but I'm not sure what I want to do... I talked about going for a walk in the evenings and met with what I could call less than success (and yeah, yeah, I know why, Icka. :P  Thanks so much for the encouragement. **sticks tongue out**) but it'd do me good; I need a hell of a lot more exercise than I'm getting.  It's just been so bloody HOT.  Been thinking about costuming/garb/cosplay too, particularly of the Steampunk genre; man, I love Steampunk!  I ran across this the other day and showed it to
bardicsidhevia email (Scylla, are you out there? If you want to work on any of the logs let me know, okay? Same for everybody else-- too much radio silence in DE lately!  -__-) and poked around the website there for a while.  We wants goggles!  (And speaking of which, Linda, you do have my plastic ones that you borrowed, right?  I need to get 'em back so I can finish repainting 'em.)  I could make a set, I think... but then I'd need the rest of the outfit to match, wouldn't I?  XD  Mmmmm, Steampunk...

Restlessness.  Finances are gonna be tight in the near future due to needing some car-work, so any solutions I come up with are gonna have to be close-at-hand, local ones-- no trips for me for a while, no long-distance SCA events or cons or field-trips to hot springs or whatever.  Well, damn.  I was entertaining lottery!winning! fantasies last night, thinking about what I'd do... and travel made up the majority of it.  That and buying property, and setting up some trust funds for nephews and so forth and passing along large chunks of money to friends and a couple of charities I like, like the Hermitage No-Kill Cat Shelter here in Tucson.  And breast-cancer research.  And, uh, one hell of a party, that'd be fun too.  XD  Hey, I can dream, right?

Okay, gotta get ready for work now.  Friday and payday; bill-paying today!

family, life as i know it

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