(no subject)

May 11, 2008 21:27

Ahem.  I figure that if I keep track of what, actually, I accomplished per day, the damn list o' stuff'll have a better chance of getting done.  So!  Today I have completed the following:

1.  Unstopped the fricking tub drain.  Which took, btw, TWO things of Draino.  And much hot water.  It *was* draining, but slowly.
2.  Finished painting my shelves and moved 'em inside. Yes!
3.  Cleaned the bathroom, i.e., scrubbed toilet/sink/tub, swept and mopped floor, put vast heaps of stray earrings and beads away.
4.  Spoke to my little sister on the phone; griped about life in general, got some good advice.
5.  Washed most of the remaining dishes.
6.  Washed throw-rugs, couch-cover, a couple of other things.  Hung 'em out to dry.
7.  ......made a LOLcat.  Hey, I had to have some fun today.
8.  Ate dinner with Sarah, who was feeling under the weather and needed company.  I did too, so we watched PoTC3 and played with Xan.

So, got some stuff done.  Not a bad day.


Oh, and I made a hops-and-lavender sachet and changed the bloody litterboxes too. Right.  And probably some other stuff that I can't recall at the moment.

One last thing, from
sironamacgregor 's lj:

If you're local and you can help, please do. Wish I could.
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