Stressed much?

May 10, 2008 21:10

I think I need a vacation from getting ready for my vacation... meh.  Today was... mostly okay, with some glaring exceptions.  Oh well.  One week 'til I'm off; I can handle that, I really can.  A week's only seven days long.

Stuff I need to do:

* Unstop the godsdamn bathtub drain if I have to use dynamite to do so
* Clean my bloody room
* Do the last bits of painting on my new shelves, set up the fabric covering and move them into place; load them
* Clean the living room
* Clean the bathroom
* Get my car's A/C fixed somehow ($500-$600 I'll never see again; wonderful)
* Weedwhack the backyard; sweep the porch

I can manage.  Work this week's going to be eighteen kinds of pure hell (it always is just before I go on vacation; so much to do! and I have a temp to train and instructions to write) but I can deal with it.  That's all I need to tell myself; I can do this.

emo, stress, badthings

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