Weirder than weird.

May 07, 2008 21:00

Ah hah hah.... Hello, World?  Please do not play games with my head, okay?  I have enough stress going on that I do not need bizarreness added on top of it, or at least not non-nice bizarreness.  Bring on the nice bits! Keep the rest!  Okay?  Thanks muchly, Love Ysabet.

Had a bad dream last night, see-- not much of one (I very rarely have bad dreams, actually) but the sort where you have this superstitious feeling that makes you not think or talk about it much because you feel like acknowledging it will make it come true (which it won't, of course; you just feel that way.)  I don't recall much, just... My mom, who lives in a retirement center and who (if y'all remember back a bit) has been having some bad problems with a couple of strokes and Sundowner's Syndrome/possibly-mild-Alzheimer's-- my mom's apartment got broken into in the dream, and the burglar hit her on the head and left her lying on the floor at the foot of her bed while he robbed the place.  I remember the nurse coming in and finding her and then rushing out, and something about my little sister calling me at... home? work?  Home, I think.  And that's about it.  I'm pretty sure there was more to the dream, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to recall it.

So: my younger sister called me this evening and told me that Mama had dreamed last night that she had woken up and found me sleeping next to her; and in her dream, she had just rolled over and gone back to sleep, unworried.  But when she woke up around 3 a.m. and did NOT find me there, in her confused state she went looking for me throughout the retirement center.  Fortunately, a nurse spotted her, convinced her that no, I do *not* live there, and got her back to her apartment and into bed.  According to my sister, she was rather embarrassed about it this morning.

Right.  I freaked out my sister a bit, I think, when I started off *my* end of the conversation with "I had a weird dream about Mama last night--"  Yes, I do worry about her; she's not that careful about locking doors and so forth.  **siiiiiiiiigh**  Think I need to stuff a sachet with dried hops and lavender and keep it under my pillow, supposedly that mixture'll promote good dreams.


LATER EDIT:  ...and then there was the *other* stuff in the phone call; apparently my niece (who's only 2 1/2 years younger than me) finally caught and confronted her husband of 24 years with his cheating on her; divorce? Probably, and I hope she takes the scumbag for every penny he has.  TWENTY-FOUR YEARS.  She has raised their two children while he traveled around the globe (he's a pilot for the air force), changed jobs on moving innumerable times (and she's a teacher; hard on her), and he pulls this crap. It's not the first time, either; it's just the first time she's managed to catch him red-handed. The bastard actually had a girlfriend fly in from Datona Beach, had her stay conviently nearby in a hotel, and showed her around his squadron's hanger.  Now THAT's low.  Son of a bitch.  I feel really sorry for my niece and for her kids (19 and 23 or so), because this'll hit hard.

May I do yesterday over, please?  Without the angst?

wtfuckery, dreams, family

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