Jade likes to be hot, yes. I have one in Wes' room, sitting in a North facing window, directly above a heater which is usually on. It dries out completely, but then I toss it in the shower when I remember, soak it good, then it's happy. This one started out as a leaf too, the neighbour's plant had dropped one in the hall, so I scooped it up and rooted it. Now it's a weeping bonsai. Seriously, weird plant.
So maybe your temperatures are to blame, but unlikely, as jades are really hardy. Were you keeping it too wet? That's a big cause of fungus. Despite looking like a tropical, they like to be treated like cactii.
So maybe your temperatures are to blame, but unlikely, as jades are really hardy. Were you keeping it too wet? That's a big cause of fungus. Despite looking like a tropical, they like to be treated like cactii.
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