(no subject)

Nov 08, 2010 13:19

Winter is here. It snowed a whole bunch last night, and the roads are treacherous today. I miss my old AWD Subaru (which is still sitting in my garage, dead). Now I'm driving my friend David's '94 Mercury Villager minivan. I took it in to the tire place to have the snow tires put on this morning, so today I'm just at home catching up on homework and wasting time blogging, as you can see.

My job is still good. We've made a lot of positive changes to the Project since we went to training in San Francisco in August. We still don't have a Project space, but hopefully that will happen within the next year or so. For now, our numbers are WAY up and that's great!

My complaint, though, is my coworker. We get along and work together incredibly well, but I'm starting to truly realize that he's not the most upstanding person. He hasn't done anything to me, personally, but he has done something pretty bad to a close friend, and for the better part of the past year, that friend was distancing himself from me because of the situation. I've gotten to the point where I will still do whatever I can to keep the working relationship copacetic, but I really hope that he looks for a different job soon. I can tell that his heart isn't really in it anymore, and even if I am distancing myself from him emotionally, I do hope that he moves on and tries something new so he can further himself.

It's that time of year where the clocks have just fallen back...but the stress of the season has already been in effect for several weeks now. I've gained quite a bit of pudge, since I don't have as much time or inclination to go to the gym. I haven't gotten any stomachaches this semester like I was last spring...I think my anxiety has been displaced to a different part of my body because my TMJ is tender and inflamed all the time. Weird how stress will move to a different area like that.

Next semester, I have to take a piano proficiency class, to make sure that I pass the test by the end of the school year. I opted out of the classes last year because I didn't think I'd need them. Turns out the requirements for the proficiency test are a bit more tricky than I thought. So hopefully that will go swimmingly and I can move on to upper-division music classes next year.

Shane and I are going to Seattle for Christmas this year. I can't wait!

anxiety, work, winter, stress, school, car

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