[OOC: Long Overdue Permissions Post]

Jan 01, 2030 00:00

.Contact Information.

[E-Mail] derptart at gmail dot com
[Instant Messengers] [AIM] tooladytorest
[Plurk] rosenritter
[Other] Yelling real loud?
[Preferred] Email or IM when you see me, please. I am very inactive on plurk, as I tend to forget it exists for weeks (like I do any social networking site). Just look at that sad karma, jeez. If you add me and an epoch passes without an add back, I'm in one of my "lol what's plurk" phases.


[Backtagging] Not a problem at all! In fact, I am guilty of this to an alarming degree!

[Threadhopping] Full speed ahead, unless the entry is specifically sealed off from the character doing the threadhopping, I guess.


[Offensive subjects] I don't think anything really bothers me. If you think you're kind of in sketchy territory, go ahead and run it past me first.


[What's okay to mention around him/her] Your character can talk to Yong Soo about anything... provided they understand the very high risk that what they confided may be accidentally/"accidentally" blurted out in public. Probably very loudly.

As for Yong Soo, the name on his birth certificate is "Yancy Solomon Im", and he hates that crap. He acts like it's some big, dark secret that nobody should know about, but... it's not. The only people who might not know about it are younger students who haven't overheard him having a hissy fit at someone who used it.

[Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, special abilities, etc] It's impossible to take a bad picture of him. They all turn out absolutely splendidly, no matter what he's doing. Even subconsciously. Yes, this is canon, or as canon as a crack character in a crack series can be, anyway.

[Can I hack that strike or otherwise find out information they'd prefer to keep hidden?] Yes, if the strike is mentioned as hackable. Take heart, they probably will be!

[Can I troll/mindscrew/mess with in general?] YES, considering Yancy is a huge troll himself.

[Can I spit at/jinx/step on/etc? (i.e. fighting)] Sure. Contact me to work out particulars, though. YELLING MATCHES are always, always open for business.

[Can I flirt with/hug/kiss/use other means of non-violent physical contact with this character?] Again, not a problem at all, considering how handsy this guy is in canon.

[Anything else?] Not really! If I think of anything, I'll add it here.


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