Friends Only

Jan 13, 2009 22:37

Frankly, I'm sick of the Grey's Anatomy fanfic world.

I am.

If I didn't have readers who have threatened to kill me if I stopped writing, I would have stopped writing a long time ago when people decided to attack people they don't even know. Personally attack them.

There are a lot of fanfics out there I don't like, in fact, I think they're awful.  More often than not, I cringe while reading fanfic.  But I never think to leave a terrible review. I never think to be hurtful to the writer because I know that person has a life outside writing fanfic. I know they're probably doing this for fun and it isn't something anything special to them.  I also know they may not be putting their best into it because it just isn't important to them.

I don't put my best into Grey's Anatomy fanfic.  If that surprises anyone, I'm sorry. But I don't care about proper writing style, spelling, or even grammar.  I hardly care about any of that, simply because I spend more time on my personal writing than on writing fanfiction for a TV show.  I used to love writing fanfic though, it used to be fun.  But then, somehow, Alicia and I became the targets of anyone who felt like being rude to people they don't know.

I'm tired of people I don't know telling me I'm a bad person or that I have no talent.  I know that's not true. I know my greatest talent is my writing, and people who know me, people who have read my personal work, have said that as well.

So, because some people are children and need to be rude to people they don't know, I'm putting this journal on Friend's Only.

Oh, and now I have to go prepare to ring up a client.  Which is probably something else I do better than you.

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