i have the sweetest boyfriend ever.. okie so yanno those little machines that you can get little rings and bracelets for like 75 cents and stuff.. well.. Rick got me a bracelet that says LOVE on it.. i know it didnt cost much but thats not what matters to me.. I love the little things like this, i mean to me its so much more romantic and stuff im weird i guess. My friend Lacy and I were talking and she asked me what the most romantic way to be proposed would be.. to me.. itd be just like totally random when we;re doing somethign fun and stuff.. i mean the whole dinner and stuff is nice.. but thats not me.. the most romantic thing to me is when we;re like playing in the park and he just suddenly proposes i know im weird but yeah. someone sent me this picture of this ring.. omg it soo pretty
.. it costs like 900 hundred dollars which is wayyy to effing much for someone to spend on me.. its pretty though..
alright this way a pretty random update btu yeah =]