Jul 30, 2006 19:31
Pretty soon she'll figure out
you can never get him out of your head
It's the way that he makes you cry
it's the way that he's in your mind
it's the way that he makes you fall in love.
Its our song.
The past like... week/ week and a half have been good. They have been great. I have spent every day with the most amazing person... and people. I love my friends for putting up with me.
I just re logged back into my live journal after about a week and a half. maybe a bit longer, and everything up there has changed.
It is crazy how one small bad decision can make this HUGE domino affect on my life.
It was something that should have never happened, I should have listened to my head this time and not my heart. I knew I was setting myself up. But this time it was different... I knew it was different.
*****, I know I'm not good with words, or expressing how I feel, or even just talking to you about what I really do want to talk about. But I want you to know that I love you more than anyone, and that I care about you so much. I'll do my best to not call you, or bother you in any way after this. Know that I will NEVER hate you, or EVER forget about you. If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, call me, you know where I'll be. Make good choices, I hope for the best for you. I'll miss you more than anything. If you are ever sad, just think about all the good times we had together, and know that this was all worth it. "Its the way that he makes you feel, it's the way that he kisses you, its the way that he makes you fall in love..." Someday, right? October 11th. If things aren't better with you and ***** by then. Call me. I love you!