entry for jonny 3

Jan 23, 2007 21:31

im glad we are getting along better even if you fell asleep on me tonight ;)
i really have nothing much to say except I HATE WORK and its driving me fucking CRAZY. i am busting my butt to shape up and meet all their stupid sales and 'productivity' goals but i take 20 seconds too long on average per call and im seriously in danger of getting fired. stupidest shit ive ever heard. i'm applying for every other job in the company i think i could do/ am even remotely interested in because i'd really like to stay with the company but i dont know if its going to happen. talk about STRESSIN!!
maybe you'll get stationed somewhere soon and i'll get to move wherever that is and start over. plus i cant stand the cigarette smoke in this house and i cant wait to live somewhere CLEAN. 
before i finish complaining for the night let me just say one more thing: state of the union 2007. WTF. bush and his brilliant ideas but no plans on how these ideas will actually work. does he really think we wouldnt notice that? i am only halfway through watching because i got so annoyed i had to turn it off and i'll finish it later. i love how he wants to increase our all-volunteer active duty military by 92,000 troops, but doesnt say WHERE they are all supposed to come from... i give up trying to figure all this out. 
as for good news: i got my uggs in the mail today! yay. i love them. i had mom get them for me for xmas instead of a tattoo because i cant decide what i want next and i can always get a tattoo on my birthday or whenever else. i dont regret not getting them at xmas because we had so much fun doing everything else we did that it was worth it. but im glad to have them now and i think they're cute even if half the world thinks they are hideous.
in other good news, i got off work almost an hour early tonight and now its not even 10:00 and im getting ready to get all cozy in bed and maybe finally get a good nights sleep! yes! 
hmm, what else? i dunno. i washed my car haha. annnd thats about it. im boring.
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