CdS reaction, a little rl, fic idea; please someone else write this because I don't have time

Apr 25, 2010 19:35

OMFG. CIRQUE DU SOLEIL. I'm sorry, flist, this is the third post I've made flailing about them. So most everything is going under the cut.

CdS was basically the awesomest, coolest thing ever. I've seen them before, and I grew up watching their videos, and they NEVER fail to completely impress me.

+ First off, I love contortionists. A lot. Their specific act was stellar, omfg. Contortionism is one of the best examples, I think, of how far the human body can be pushed. They're so graceful, so fucking strong and powerful even though they're TINY, and really, really intense. All the acts, though, were amazing. This is what humanity at its peak performance can be, and it blows my mind. THE HUMAN BODY IS SO AMAZING GUYS.

+ I was a LITTLE disappointed. Their ~thing used to be how STINGY they are with wires and nets and safety devices, relying solely on their performers' sheer talent to keep themselves alive. However, since I last saw them, they've upped their security a LOT. Oh well. I guess I want them to not fall and kill themselves, but it's more terrifying and exciting to watch it if there isn't any of that. (This must mean that someone recently died or hurt themselves really bad.)

+ Some of you may know (?) that I'm going into mechanical engineering next year. I want to design cars. HOWEVER, after seeing CdS, I might be rethinking that. MAYBE I want to design circus equipment. (Or carnival rides, but that's a different stories. NOT roller coasters, but more like the Zipper, Orbiter, Sizzler, Gravitron etc. Carnival rides.) A couple of their acts used some truly amazing feats of engineering (and let's not even MENTION their stage and tent etc. because I'll be here all night). For example, their tightrope was a multi-piece, two-level contraption that they took out from out back and put up in under five minutes. IMPRESSIVE. Even more impressive is the following, in how it's engineered, how it's used and how well these guys use it:

image Click to view

This thing is so light and well-balanced it's INSANE. To be on the team to create something like that would be pretty much the coolest job in existence.

The whole performance, really, is a feast for a future engineering major. It was so well-done.

+ I was sitting, watching the show, and started thinking about a SPN circus AU. Ohgod. I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT. I don't know if it would be an AU where their mom dies early on, their dad takes them and joins the circus (no idea why he'd do that) and then Sam runs away FROM the circus to go to college (and you'd have characters like Jo and Ellen and Bobby as part of the circus people), or if pre-series went much the same way for the first few years, supernatural stuff included, until their dad died or was arrested, so they ran away and joined the circus. EITHER WAY.

And then Sam and Dean have this stellar act together. Trapeze? That's basically my favorite thing ever, but Dean doesn't like flying, so… But a brother trapeze act? Probably the hottest thing I can think of. The end.

I've also seen some awesome trampoline acts in my time.

Or maybe an awesome acrobatic thing where they get to toss each other around and be all awesome?

OKAY enough with the brainstorming because I'm never going to get around to this. Maybe I'll write random snippets of it here and there, but never get into the plot of WHY this is happening.

Does anyone else want to play with this idea? Because that would be awesome.

ETA: I find really it embarrassing how I unintentionally used the word 'awesome' at least four times in the last half of this post. :facepalm:

ETA#2: I'm writing it. Kill me now.

spn, cirque du soleil!, spn circus au, engineering

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