As our lives change, come whatever

Nov 07, 2009 01:57

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(I wanted to post photographs from Secondary 1 that I found, but photobucket was being slightly bitchy so I'm going to split the post. 
Also, I've got a fabulous Class of 2009 banner that I shall use when photobucket stops being whiny :))

I know it's cliched and ourlastdivide has already posted this, but I feel that I really need this here for future reference because this is the song that made me start crying and in turn triggered off an avalanche of tears from about half of my class.

It just made me cry again because I made the mistake of listening to it while viewing graduation photographs on Facebook. (Which reminds me, piquantplay needs to upload the photographs from today super fast okay!) I wish I had my camera to take my own photographs and document today, but I was running around during Farewell Assembly doing this and doing that. On the bright side, I've got lots of retarded videos on my video camera :)

Many people have told me that I'm lucky that most of my friends will rise up to RJC with me, and that set me thinking why exactly am I feeling sad? Well I think it's a combination of the loss of a few friends going to other JCs and countries even and the apprehension for the unknown in JC. That's what I feel anyway. I'm already so darn comfortable in secondary school and now I'm being moved off to some other place that is unknown territory.  And this is looking past the friends that are going off elsewhere.  Plus, I'm going to the arts faculty which means that the likelihood of seeing my friends in the science faculty are much lower and RJC is seriously huge.  I don't want to forget them argh.

I remember that I wasn't as sad as I am now during Primary school graduation, perhaps it's because I knew that we were still young and we could always find time to meet up etc.  But now, we're all growing up and gradually the spare time we have decreases and very soon the promises to "meet up often okay!" will but be empty promises.

(Yes, I'm going to quote Vitamin C lyrics.  It's the time of the cliched, don't roll your eyes)

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now
Can we survive it out there, can we make it somehow
I guess I though this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us round
Will these memories fade when I leave this town?

On the bright side, with the advancement of techology and social networking sites, I guess it is easier to keep in touch.  We have to because omg I think I have had my best years in RGS - transition years from being an immature little girl to a slighty less immature, awkward teenager who has made the best friends she thinks she can ever get.  Perhaps JC will hold surprises, but I will always want to hold onto these 4 years of literal blood, sweat and tears.

CCA farewell yesterday was one of the most tearjerking farewells I've attended, probably because it was my farewell but also because there were fewer dry eyes present in the room by the end of the 2.5 hours.  I just couldn't bring myself to cry yesterday because I'm really delayed response like that but all the emotions just surged today during graduation assembly and I could no longer help myself despite a pact I made with myself the night before.  Back to CCA farewell, my juniors are so cute haha.  And I gained new respect for the Sec 3s' TV item which even though I still feel needs polishing, but the meaning behind it and their purpose for performing it as a batch just tugged at my heartstrings.

I can't really think very straight through tears right now, but I think penguinaffair summed my thoughts up very well:
"How much have we changed? Four years ago, we stumbled giggling and hesitant through the gates of RGS and now it seems to me that the gates have closed and I suddenly find myself on the other side though I don't remember the journey out."

Oh hell, if I feel this way for secondary school, I'm going to be a mess on the day of my graduation from JC.

But for now, I'm going to treasure my last week.  This is a promise to myself I will not break.

graduation, life, school

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