We got up to SF around 7 or so, which worked out well... got decent parking (it was even on the walk route) and registered before the mad rush of people. Bought a nice fleece jacket (it was chilly and it was $25) and Dave got a baseball cap.
The ribbon-cutting ceremony was running a bit behind, so we didn't start until 8:30. But we might be in the newspaper or on the website, because we were close to the front. That and Dave's tall. LOL
All in all, the five miles took us just over an hour. It was chilly at first (it's San Francisco, after all), but when we were just about done, I dropped my jacket off at the car. They gave away a ton of food and water, including fresh fruit, too.
Oh! Most importantly - thank you to
savvyelfpirate, and
wildflowerfever for your donations! Altogether, we raised $300! Not bad for about 17 days of fundraising.
I really want to do it again next year. But I'll definitely start planning further in advance on ways to raise money. It'll most likely involve some baked goods. ;)
Oh, yeah! I saw a boxer that looked exactly like Penny, even size-wise. And a Great Dane! He was solid black and I actually had to reach my hand up a bit to pet his head - it was awesome. :D
Dave kinda caught me offguard LOL
I asked a woman to take this one for us. :)
Part of the group a bit behind us. And one of the non-English-language signs. :)
I'm a dork, what can I say?