So winding heute!

Sep 25, 2010 00:05

Oh my God. I'm going to punch a baby in the face. Firefox keeps crashing like every minute. Gaaahhhh.

I don't really understand people on arama's surprise/complaining when it comes to accents. Like Yoshiki speaking English, or Girls' Generation singing in Japanese. Accents: they're what happens when you try and speak another language :O omgnowai.

That reminds me. I was watching a show about Josef Mengele and this guy kept calling him the equivalent of Mengelé. Wha? How can you be so knowledgeable about someone and not pronounce their name right? It's not like a name he would have never heard spoken O_o

So, what's going on music-wise. Someone on ONTD mentioned this band called Insomnium and I am totally digging their Across the Dark album. Jolin Tsai's Myself album is really good. Loving Juli's new album. Found some good Cpop. All is good :)

And school is in full swing. I love 3 out of 5 classes. I'm guessing that's probably the best I'll ever do hahaha. My favourite so far is Islamic history. The prof is awesome and I'm genuinely interested and excited to go to class to learn more. Europe: Facing Islam and 20th Century history are the other two I love.

Canadian history D: Did that put anyone to sleep just reading it? Not only is the class boring, but the prof is the worst one I've ever had. Nothing she says seems important, it's all disjointed information and she'll say a few things about something and just move on. Thanks, lady. I am learning so much. And Italian Cinema (I was running out of course options). It sucks, but not as bad.

But, the university offers exchange to China *_* The only problem is that I'd pretty much have to go 4th year :/ Regardless, I am most definitely looking in to that.

I have to start writing a paper and the essay question I think I'm doing is: does modernization mean Westernization? Tough question. Like, I can see someone arguing it either way and being convincing.

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keine Schmerzen
► No pain
und keine Tränen
► and no tears
deine Worte sind, in meinen Venen
► your words are in my veins
du kennst dich aus
► you know your way around yourself
ich lehn mich zurück, aus
► I rest myself
es hört nicht auf
► it doesn't stop
ich bin vollgepumpt mit Glück
► I am filled-up with bliss
du verdrehst meine Welt und ich hab keine Wahl
► you distort my world and I have no choice
seitdem du bei mir bist, ist mir alles egal
► since you are with me, it's all the same to me
ich hab dich, du hast mich
► I have you, you have me
was brauchen wir mehr
► what more do we need?
ich brauch dich nicht, ich brauch dich sehr
► I don't need you, I need you a lot
doch ich komm nie an
► but I never arrive
weil ich ohne dich, nicht mehr leben kann
► because I can't live without you anymore

(Refrain 2x)
Du bist unglaublich
► You are incredible
du machst mich süchtig
► you make me addicted
alles was ich weiß ist
► all that I know is
du machst mich glücklich
► you make me addicted
ich war noch nie so glücklich
► I was never so happy
verdammt du machst mich süchtig
► Damn it, you make me addicted

Um uns rum, weißes Flimmern, blitzende Lichter
► Around us white flickering, flashing lights
die Musik wird immer lauter und der Nebel wird dichter
► the music will always get louder and the fog thicker
ich vertrau dir blind, ich vertrau dir blind
► I blindly trust you, I blindly trust you
mir wird heiß, mir wird kalt
► I will be hot, I will be cold
und es gibt kein zurück
► and there is no turning back
bin im Nebel verloren, bin betrunken vor Glück
► I'm lost in the fog, I'm drunk on love
alle Andren sind weg, wir sind immer noch wach
► all (?) are away, we are still awake
ich tanz mit dir, die ganze Nacht
► I dance with you the whole night
ich kann nicht aufhörn (x 4)
► I can't stop


Was hast du mit mir gemacht
► What have you done to me?
Ich war noch nie so glücklich
► I was never so happy
Du bist unglaublich, du machst mich süchtig
► You are incredible, you make me addicted
Was hast du mit mir gemacht
► What have you done with me?

I hope it's still windy tomorrow!

school, translation, misc, music, life

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