The heat D:

Sep 01, 2010 01:32

I just looked at my list of textbooks I need to buy. Sayonara, $500+. One class has 4 required books, another has 5. How can someone be expected to read that fucking much!? Either we shouldn't have to buy our own textbooks (since most of the time you don't need the entire thing), or more simply, just put it all in a damn lecture. That's what we pay tuition for, to be taught something. Not to go home and spend the night teaching yourself shit from a book. Ugh, things like this make me fucking hate university.

I hooked up our Xbox to my computer the other night. That's such a cool feature; it allows you to play videos and music and look at pictures stored on your PC and all you need to do is connect to the internet. So, instead of having to burn a DVD of a movie to watch on TV, you just connect your Xbox.

Oh, aramatheydidnt. That comm is always full of stupid, but in regard to a recent post: frankly, hairless men are scary. End of story.

I had a package delivered at 7:03pm tonight. Their site said they delivered until 7pm; guess they weren't lying lol. I ordered the DVD online because the one in-store at HMV was dented and dirty, but this one isn't really any better :/

UFO Hunters... What a show. Bill is such a hardcore believer in like, anything related to aliens. He constantly jumps to conclusions, and strings things together that really don't go and believes all these ridiculous stories from people. Like this woman in tonight's episode who said she saw aliens, they held her hand, led her into their ship and showed her images. Like, how the hell do you believe something like that? I can't say I doubt there's something else out there in space, but that story was crazy :/

school, xbox, orders, tv, life

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