I wait too long to update.

Mar 20, 2010 00:55

Goodness, I have been busy lately. All I've done this week is go to school, go to work (every day!) and then study. The weather was amazing this week too, so it made those three tasks that much more terrible.

My birthday kinda sucked for the above reasons lol, but I did get a ticket to go see Ringo Starr! I'm so excited. Paul McCartney's going to be touring again this summer, but there's no Michigan or Toronto dates and not even any New York dates. I'm still hoping there'll be more added.

I started a German/language pratice and random-related-stuff blog. If you feel like parler-ing avec moi, come on over.

There's so many books I want to read, but I have no time to do any reading. I have a large list of ones to hopefully get to over the summer. I also want to try reading in German, so I might have to order some from Amazon. Buying books is such a pain in the ass. I wish I could buy them in-store, but when I can save anything from a few bucks to $20 on a single book, I get them online. That's so rediculous.

MiChi's new song All About the Girls is so fantastic. I am loving Jasmine's This Is Not a Game, too. I've barely been on the computer lately, so no music discoverin' for me. Id' love to introduce everyone to Kasia Kowalska, though:

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I had an exam on Tuesday which I'm sure I totally bombed, but I also had one on Thursday, like, right after St. Patrick's Day. I thought that was kinda cruel for the prof to do that, but then I thought, no, people just need to set their priorities (can you tell I don't drink? lol). There were plenty of drunk people in class Wednesday, but attendance on Thursday seemed average. Then, in the middle of the exam, some dude threw up all over the floor D:

I re-watched Inglourious Basterds and *loved* it. Having seen it a few times now, some of it seems to drag, especially the bar scene with all the talking. Christoph Waltz was so fucking great ♥ One of my favourite scenes is when Goebbels gets all emotional when Hitler compliments him on the film lol. Last night I watched Downfall (Der Untergang) about Hitler's last days and the end of the war. It has quite a bit to do with his secretary, who they actually got to interview for the film. It was a bit hard keeping track of some people, but Bruno Ganz was an amazing Hitler lol. I'm sure we're all familiar with the parodies out there, but if not, here you go. I'm watching Das weiße Band right now. Not amazing, but not terrible.

It will be 3 weeks on Monday and I still don't have my YA order. Blah.

That is all.

school, books, orders, movies, music, work, life

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