...but he was very stupid and could learn nothing.

Oct 27, 2009 01:33

For my Holocaust class, we had to watch this film called Nuit et Brouillard (Night and Fog) which was horribly depressing. Like, I honestly had to look away at certain points. It's only half an hour, so if you're interested in it, here it is with English subs. We were discussing it in class and it's pretty interesting. The title comes from the German term 'Nacht und Nebel' which is literally 'night and fog', but means to do something in secrecy and was a term (along with many others) adapted by the Nazis for the killing of the Jews. I'll stop before I ramble lol.

I'm on an Ayu kick right now. It's been a while, but I get nostalgic listening to her stuff. Memorial address came out in 2003! 2003! It doesn't feel like it was six years ago ;_; I started listening to her in 2002, so RAINBOW was the first album she released when I was a fan and I was like, so fucking excited for that omg. My interest started dwindling after MY STORY was released and I don't think she'll be able to restore my love for her an artist. Her songs and lyrics are crappy rehashes of what she's done before and her voice is pretty awful. Regardless, she still manages to put out a good track every once and a while.

New Superfly is really good. I actually like the PV a lot, too. Huun-Huur-Tu's new release is so damn good. The first three songs take you away to grassy steppes *_* They performed in Michigan, but last.fm didn't let me know until that day D: JASMINE's new single is good. No More sounds too much like sad to say, though. CLUBBIN' has some attitude lol. I don't think I ever talked about MiChi's album. T'was very good, indeed. And Lady GaGa's Bad Romance is also really good. But, the new Sa Ding Ding song owns all. My God, I can't wait for her next album.

I need to go through my icons and make some new ones. These are gettin' pretty old. I made a new sig for AHS. Just kept it simple: some colouring adjustments, smoothing and text. It's passable, I guess.

I only got 77% on my German exam D: Wft is that? I fucking hate that class. Had another exam today. It was better than I was expecting, but I really don't know. I might've just been writing to put stuff down :/

My first attempt at a German translation:

image Click to view

Frag' nicht nach morgen,
Don't ask for tomorrow,
denn er bleibt dir verborgen.
because it remains hidden for you.
Frag' nicht was gestern war...
Don't ask what yesterday was...

Wir zieh'n unsre Kreise
We're drawing our circles
auf unserer Reise.
on our journey.
Wo eben noch Sonne war...
Where even still sun was...(1)

Wir ertrinken zu zweit
We're two drowning
in unseren Worten.
in our words.
Wir ertrinken zu zweit
We're two drowning
in Einsamkeit.
in loneliness.

Irgendwann im November...(x2)
Sometime in November...(x2)
Zu lang, zu weit, zu viel passiert...
Too lang, too far, too much happens...
Irgendwann im November...
Sometime in November...

Wir verlier'n uns im Regen
We're losing ourselves in the rain
auf endlosen Wegen.
on never-ending paths.
Warum lässt du mich im Stich?
Why leave me in pain?

Wir zieh'n immer weiter,
We're drawing always on,
denn wir sind Schattenreiter(2)
because we are shadow riders
auf unserem Weg ins Licht.
on our way in the light.

Wir ertrinken zu zweit
We're two drowning
in unseren Worten.
in our words.
Wir ertrinken zu zweit
We're two drowning
in Einsamkeit.
in loneliness.

Irgendwann im November...(x2)
Sometime in November...(x2)
Zu lang, zu weit, zu viel passiert...
Too long, too far, too much happens

Egal was noch kommt,
Nevermind what is still coming,
egal was du sagst.
nevermind what you say.
Auch wenn du jetzt schweigst,
Even if you now are silent,
ich habe versagt.
I have failed.

Egal was noch kommt,
Nevermind what is still coming,
egal was du sagst.
nevermind what you say.
Auch wenn du jetzt schweigst,
Even if you now are silent,
ich habe versagt.
I have failed.

Ich habe versagt.
I have failed.
Ich weiß, ich habe versagt.
I know, I have failed.

Denn es ist Juli...(x3)
Then it is July...(x3)

Irgendwann im November... (x4)
Sometime in November...(x4)
werd' ich geh'n.
I will go.

Irgendwann im November...
Sometime in November...
ob du's willst oder nicht.
whether you want or not.
werden wir uns nicht mehr seh'n.
We will not see eachother anymore.

1 - No idea what this is lol.
2 - Ah, lovely compound nouns. Schatten is like a shadow or shade and Reiter is a rider, but it just sounds so weird :S

I was supposed to write a paper tonight. I hate being a procrastinator :(

school, ayumi hamasaki, translation, music, life

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