Kumi says, "that ain't cool"

May 29, 2008 21:16

Homg I love that song. By that song I mean Koda Kumi's That Ain't Cool f. Fergie. I actually hate Fergie, but it worked nicely, even though it seems more like it should be Fergie f. Koda Kumi, but whatever.

My love (aka Sa Ding Ding) is releasing a new EP June 30 and has a new song with Deep Forest that I am all over ♥ She has such a cool voice. The EP isn't up for preorder or anything :/ And, as I was doing her Wikipedia article, I found out that Holy Incense was used in Prince of the Himalayas, a Tibetan version of Hamlet. I might order that, it looks stunning!

What else, oh yes, I found out about Juli. Very, very good German pop-rock band. I downloaded both of their albums and they're both quite good. I really like Wir beide and Am besten sein.

Tomorrow I am off to the university to get stuff straightened out and whatnot. Everyone's been saying it's really good, so I hope I enjoy it.

Oh my God, what the fuck @ my school. Stupid Walk-a-Thon today. Brought in money, walked it and didn't skip like a good student. After we were supposed to stay out in the football field for like 4 hours D: Other people were leaving, so I tried to too. As I was doing so, this kid manning the driveway was all, "where're you going? Do you have permission to leave? What's your name? You know you get 4 detentions for skipping!" -____- I didn't give him my name lol He told me that he'd look me up (lol how?). I have my French teachers stupid sambrero in my locker since my friend dumped it on me D: Stupid thing was, he was letting people skip too. He said he'd cross their name off the list after they came back. That doesn't even make sense. So, I could've left and came back 3 minutes before I had to go home? *dies*

I work everyday except one that we're open this week. Just one more then I'm free til next week. Loud Mouth Woman with Kid was in on Monday. So, that was lovely. And this stupid fucking family omg. The kid asks me where the graphic novels are, I show him, he doesn't say thank you. The dad asks me where the Windsor Star was, I told him we keep it behind the desk. He just stands there. I'm like, 'do you want me to get that for you because I have nothing better to do?' So, I get that for him. Other kid gets me ON MY BREAK and asks where the graphic novels are. I show him the juvenile ones, then the young adult ones and he doesn't say thank you either. Then the dad calls me over and asks how he could know which DVDs were new and if that was all we had. I told him the new ones are just mixed in and obviously that's all we had, we don't hide them from patrons. Then he asked me about tapes for learning Spanish, I told his we might have some and he asked me if I could get that for him while he looked at the DVDs >_____< I go over, get the only one we had and he's all, 'this is it? Bring me to the section.' So, I bring him over to the books on tape section and show him where the language ones are. "This is all German..." I didn't tell you there were more Spanish ones, you fuck. Then he's said, "Do you know if this ones good?" How the hell would I know. Who even uses cassettes anymore!? I was like, 'no, sorry.' 'Do you know Spanish.' Uhh no. I wonder what he would've asked me if I did! UUUUGGGGGHHHHH

gah, school, koda kumi, sa ding ding

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