Hire me

Jan 04, 2004 21:23

So I looked up a bunch of employment angencies and already sent my resume to a few of them. after thinking it over and looking through want ad after want ad, I think I might not have what it takes to work an office job. So I also applied (online) to Blockbuster Video (shut up, I know) and am thinking about calling around to a few record stores tomorrow afternoon. I was hoping I was done with retail, but maybe if it's something that I like (such as music and movies), it won't be so bad. OR... it could make me hate music and movies altogether. I guess we'll see.

I didn't hate the actual work of my last retail job, and in fact I adored most of the people that worked there (and still do) - but it was the company itself and some of the management that I got fed up with. So maybe it won't be so bad... I still don't want to work weekends, though.

The "Curb Your Enthusiasm" season premiere is on in a few minutes. Call me boring, but I'm excited for it. Actually, I'm going to stop right here so that I make sure I see all of it from start to finish. Wish me luck in my job hunt tomorrow...
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