Jan 03, 2004 23:23
Okay, so the game is done and now I'm bored again. I'm trying to figure out a way to make this page look better, so maybe then it won't seem so lame. But chances are that this will be a lame thing no matter what I try to do. I used to do this sort of thing on my band's website in the blog section, but then I'd get made fun of for it being told that it had nothing to do with the band, really. So I stopped doing it even though I kind of enjoyed it anyway. So here I am, again ranting about pointless and useless stuff.
I have to start looking for a job on Monday. I don't really know where I'm going to look. My ideal thing right now would be to work for a temp angency. I'm not such a bad typist and I don't want to do retail ever again (EVER), so I thought that might be such a bad idea, right? But I don't know if I have what it takes to work in an office. I certainly don't have the wardrobe for it. I was also thinking perhaps a bank teller, but I'm a little nervous around money (and the thought of getting robbed). Worse comes to worse, I figured I'd apply to some sort of video store. My main thing is that I don't want to work weekends so that maybe I can have time to drive out to Philadelphia where all of my friends live (except maybe one or two).
Speaking of weekends, I'm hoping that next weekend is the weekend I will get to drive out to Philly and educate a friend of mine in the brilliance of Back to the Future. She's never seen ANY of them (reminder: there are three), so I'm taking it upon myself to right those wrongs. So that should be fun, but let's just hope that it'll happen soon.
Anyway, Saturday Night Live is coming on soon so hopefully it will be a good one. Lately I've been hooked on Curb Your Enthusiasm. We have HBO On Demand here and so I get to pick from a bunch of episodes to watch and I've found it to be absolutely hysterical. Amazing. I can't wait to see more - the new season apparently starts tomorrow night. Oh man... look at this... already, after having lived here for just over a week, I've already become a TV junkie. I guess that's what happens when you don't have cable for almost two years, then you move in someplace with DIGITAL cable. Oh well...