(no subject)

Sep 26, 2004 01:21

i guess the inevitable has happened and i'm not sure how i feel because it varies irregularly, say every 3-5 minutes. people do really hurtful, horrible things sometimes and what's worse is that i didn't even think he was capable of it. i expected better and i am disappointed.

at work alejandra and i took out an origami kit and folded cranes out of colored paper. we plan on making mobiles and this gives me something to look forward to. there was a hot dad who turned out to just be a hot babe that asked to sit next to me on the T today. we had a great conversation even though kristie and emily were giggling the whole time because i pointed him out prior to this. he's gorgeous and from sacramento. see you there. more importantly, since the middle of summer my dad has been posting for jobs because the majority of the houston properties are closing. he has been posting overseas and a few places like new jersey and new orleans, BUT he has been offered a position in the west side of houston. even though i know that the very few close friendships i still have in houston definitely transcend distance, i would hate to deal with moving again. on that note, my friends are amazing. kristie and emily are the best. and brandon 1880.32 miles away is still fully aware of exactly what i'm thinking/feeling and knows exactly what i need to hear. thank you.

"And yet in the end did we ever really give each other completely to the other? Do either of us even know how to really share ourselves? Imagine the house is on fire and i reach to save that one thing- what is it? Do you know? Imagine that i am drowning and i reach within myself to save that one memory which is me- what is it? Do you know? what things would either of us reach for? Neither of us know. After all these years, we just wouldn't know. "
-Douglas Coupland
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