Even God can't change the past

Aug 19, 2005 13:08

Blood quick update coming up, as I have this afternoon off :)

Last night was pretty good fun. Managed to get a bit of sleep before heading to RC about half ten with Customary Wingmen shallowthing and Jon in tow. It pissed it down, so we arrived rather damp, so warmed ourselves with cheap nasty alcohol. The night started well with a classic rock hair-waving set from Jay, before the music reverted to the Thursday night norm. There were plenty of folk out, it being A level night, and some surprise appearances from Sian and PunkSoc Matt amoungst others. Was good to see Caz out as well :) Due to the surprisingly nice atmosphere, and abundance of people, we ended up staying all night, even partaking in the scrum outside for a bit before wandering home in the rain.

Now i'm off home to get food, and try grab some sleep before the weekend. See you all on the other side! :)

rock city

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