Ho hum, it's Friday evening and a relatively quiet weekend spreads out before me. Last few days have been nothing special, just night shifts and sleeping during the day. Work has been a hell of a lot better with Tom in charge, there's a noticable change, people seem happier, even the customers seem happier. Shame that on Monday he hands the reigns back and the decline will inevitably begin again. Still, maybe something will be done about it this time. Yeah, right.
Last night was entertaining, despite Captain Everything having cancelled, I still went out for a 'quiet drink' with Matt. Matt turned up with a ladyfriend, who it turns out I knew many years ago when she was incredibly cyber/gothy rather than the average/punky look she's going for now. A quiet drink soon turned into a loud drink, and seeing as I had no work to consider, I was on doubles from about half eight onwards. At some point we left the Speak Easy and headed to Bar Arriba on St James, which I had previously mistaken for a hideous chav bar. Turns out I was mistaken, the proprietor being a chap called Dave, with a blonde quiff and a Dali mustache, and the music being some very listenable punk (Antiflag, Goldfinger, Bad Religion etc). Stumbled home somewhere towards one, in an acceptably drunken fashion.
Today I've been incredibly productive, which suprised me as I was intending to spend the day in bed. I've done some window shopping (like a big girl), been to the gym, even sorted out my sister's wedding gift (bless wedding lists, so much easier than thinking). I've also done boring homely things like cleaning and washing and crap like that. Tonight there's Matt's BBQ, but that's off in the Meadows, so I may elect to wait for him to come into town. There's also drinks with
lost_in_moose. I'm happy doing both, veering as far away from the Sal as possible, of course.
Happy birthday to
lost_in_moose, and belatedly to