Jun 17, 2005 18:08
i sincerely hope that i don't have dissocative personality disorder, i realised recently that in bad situations i'm able to distance myself as if it is someone else who the bad thing is happening too, or such as in exams. It's very curious, but im thinking i'm not a multiple or i would probably not be conscious of it.
Anyway my psychology exam wet extremly well, i dont want to count my chickens or anything, but i'm pretty confident i didn't fail. I nearly squealed with delight when i saw the topics the questions were on, i could answer all of them! However, we only had to answer one from each of the two sections (essay qns with a) b) c)'s) so i chose educational layouts, and comparing the behaviourist approach to education against humanist and then for health i did pain and stress, my two favourite topics!!
I couldn't believe something in my life was going right.
However, my psy exam started a different time to jennies as she does hers at N.K, so i finished about 20 minutes later, cause we had a break in between the two papers, while mr data took sean to the toilet. Our psy group (of about 12 people) was the only one in the exam hall, and my englih steacher was the supervisor and as i have said many times before, she is crazy and irish. So she was all 'get up walk around, have a little chat, you dont want to get deep vein thrombrosis' we were like 'this is an exam!' none of us got up, we weren't quite sure if she was serious. I think we have been conditioned to associate exams with sitting down and staying quiet. We did have a little chat though before the second paper got handed out.
Anyway as i was saying, we were going to book our holiday and stacey had to be at work for 2, i hadn't seen her in 3 weeks and the first thing she said to me was 'for god sake! stop being slow!' And i REALLY needed the toilet after being in the exam so long, you should have seen her face when i told her! When i got back i heard her ssay 'wait' but i pretended i didn't and went to the car. Jennie had already gone to the car and told her mum to watch out cause we were arguing already haha, and jennies mum was all on my side like 'you can't help exams'.
We booked out holiday anyway, 14 nights in tenerife! it cost £339 which is still alot i feel for a last minute booking (we're going on the 5th of july) and i knew my dad would be pissed at me for booking it. And surprise, surprise he was! he wanted to look for the best deal, because he's cheap like that, but as i tried to explain it wasnt just ME, there was 2 other people, and you know how you kind of get talked into things? Then he was all 'you paid £40 insurance? i have a voucher to get it for £16, thats why i told you not to book it' i was like :|
BUT OH WELL, c'est le vie, i'ma going on le holiday!