Dec 18, 2005 20:23
1] was 2005 a good year for you?
yeah I guess. i went to new york which was ace. i won a poker tournament as well. probaly the highlight.
2] what was your favourite moment of the year?
other than the big poker win, all the indie nights at timepiece were pretty memoriable. but I think my favourite moment was when the kelvinator and i laughed for about ten minutes non-stop in edc library for absolutly no reason. good times!
3] what was your least favorite moment of the year?
nothing really sticks out. being dumped wasn't a great memory I guess
4] where were you when 2005 began?
drunk in cullompton
5] who were you with?
the cullompton mafia!
7] who will you be with when 2005 ends?
the cullompton mafia i would of thought. i heard a rumour it's going to be exeter this year though.
8] did you keep your new years resolution of 2005?
no, i started drinking again on the 5th of january
9] do you have a new years resolution for 2006?
not yet. but I'm thinking it should be to try and keep a certain ammount of money in my bank account
10] did you fall in love in 2005?
11] if yes, with who?
but I said no
12] if yes, do they know?
shut up!
13] You regret it?
14] did you breakup with anyone in 2005?
yeah, kinda
15] did you make any new friends in 2005?
sure did
16] who are your favorite new friends?
my housemate, clifford
17] what was your favorite month of 2005?
the first month of uni was pretty incredible. the other months were all pretty mixed
18] did you travel outside of the Uk in 2005?
yeah to new york city.. baby
19] how many different states did you travel to in 2005?
2O] did you lose anybody close to you in 2005?
no-one died if thats what you mean
21] did you miss anybody in the past year?
yeah, but i've seen them all recently
22] what was your favorite movie that you saw in 2005?
i didnt watch shaun of the dead untill this year. so i'll go with that
23] What was your favorite song from 2005?
at the moment it's 3rd engine by saves the day. but that songs a couple years old now. my favourite song released in 2005 is probaly bloc party - so here we are or bright eyes - poison oak
24] what was your favorite record of 2005?
1 - bright eyes - i'm wide awake, it's morning
2 - bright eyes - digital ash in a digital urn
3 - bloc party - silent alarm
25) how many concerts did you see in 2005?
no idea
26] did you have a favorite concert in 2005?
i dont think so. i can remember capdown at the cavern were very good. it was cool to see jeniferever as well
27] did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2005?
yeah i guess
28] did you do a lot of drugs in 2005?
no. unless you're counting caffine and tablets
29] how many people did you sleep with in 2005?
3O] did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
probaly but i cant remember what
31] what was the worst lie someone told you in 2005?
i dont no. probaly saying that i liked a present someone got me when i thought it was shit. im pretty picky with stuff
32] did you treat somebody badly in 2005?
dont think so. but possibly without knowing
33] did somebody treat you badly in 2005?
34] how much money did you spend in 2005?
2 million. luckily i made 7 so its all fine
35] what was your proudest moment of 2005?
passing my driving test. getting into uni. actually cooked something by myself. all proud days
36] what was your most embarrassing moment of 2005?
cant think of any but i tend to embarrass myself pretty regulary
37] if you could go back in time to any moment of 2005 and change something, what would it be?
gosh i dont no. probaly wouldnt of cut my hair on my birthday. went around looking like a right idiot. wasnt fun, espically on my birthday
38] what are your plans for 2006?
spend twenty-four hours drunk. play a good game of tiger knee. eat a duck