i'm taking ryan's lead, and writing about some upcoming events going on between now and march. it seems like it's going to be a crazy winter, and i need to keep thing's organized. here it goes..
- Jan 17-19: possible noto weekend at nicole's house with everyone..maybe even the punk rock mobile..it should be a nice time (no school on the 19th)
- Jan 24: the dreaded SAT's
- Jan 26-30: spirit week
- Sometime in late Jan-early Feb: trip to Philly with the notos to buy our dresses
- Feb 6: Nicole's Birthday
- Feb 14: Big D and Toasters show/that valentine's day thing..
- Mar 6: rocking the semi with Cody and the notos<3
so yea, i think that sums up the next few months. everything will be crazy and wonderful and i can not wait to see what happens. winter will pass, and spring will be here before you know it. before i know it..
tonight jesse and i are hanging out and visiting nicole and being crazy.