You know, say what you will about frowsty ould St Pat, but his existence means that for one day out of every year, the masses will pay attention to what I do.
And they did. By god, they did. We were a-fucking-mazing yesterday. The crowd were responsive, we had dancers (!!!) Sure, I'm blathering, but there's nothing to compare to the sound of Irish dancers slamming their shoes against the floor and knowing that you're the reason they're troubling themselves. My. God.
It was brilliant. Even the rain was brilliant. I feel as though we've gained a bit of the momentum we'd lost, and I don't want to lose it. I don't care how we manage it, but I don't want to lose it. Last night, Donna (manages BEHAN) says to me 'You're too good to go unnoticed', and I agreed - not because my ego is a fearsome ravenous beast, but because we've worked our frigging arses off. We are good, and I feel no shame in saying that - no need for stupid poxy false modesty. The dancers were from Austin and study under Eoin O'Maoileidigh; they called us 'awesome' and asked why they'd never heard of us.
We are. We're killer - and so much moreso than we were.
So...thank you to all of youse who came out in support. It was lovely looking out on you.
I don't think we tell
shaddowshoes how brilliant he is often enough. He's dedicated to making us sound the best that we can do, and we're all the better for his tireless efforts. Thank you, sweetie. :)