The STYLE > SUBSTANCE titlepage kind of summed it up for me, and not in a good way. I'm not going to go into excruciating detail because I know a lot of people liked it and I don't want to harsh their squee, but I found the writing blocky and pandering (problematic! terribad! feels and lols!) and I agree with ardatli's comments re: "the static-with-exaggerated-expression look" in the art and having trouble relating this Billy to the one who held Teddy and cried with him at the end of the original twelve issues. I hated their conversation about Teddy's superheroing, even if the kiss afterwards was cute. Also -- BILLY KAPLAN STOP HELPING
( ... )
My brother and I were talking about Tommy's departure and decided that the real reason he stormed off was because he and Billy got their ears pierced together and Billy neglected to tell Tommy until afterwards that his was the gay ear.
My sister also mentioned being irritated by Gillen's tumblr-speak, but I was expecting it as part of his shtick. I think it's probable that it's going to get old really quickly for me though.
I hope it'll get better as it goes on as well. I'm still looking forward to reading it, but my enthusiasm is a little dampened.
I steeled myself for it going in, since I've read enough of Gillen's stuff to expect it, but I was still irked by it. It's starting to feel weirdly condescending to me, though I know it's probably not intended that way at all.
Seriously, Billy, no. Maybe we could just talk about our problems this one time. Maybe. Please?
Mine too. I'm definitely going to read the next issue, but it did not grab me at all and a lot of it just made me miss "my" YA, silly as that sounds.
I never realized how much I needed this in my life.
My brother and I were talking about Tommy's departure and decided that the real reason he stormed off was because he and Billy got their ears pierced together and Billy neglected to tell Tommy until afterwards that his was the gay ear.
Basically I just find the earrings hilarious.
I hope it'll get better as it goes on as well. I'm still looking forward to reading it, but my enthusiasm is a little dampened.
Seriously, Billy, no. Maybe we could just talk about our problems this one time. Maybe. Please?
Mine too. I'm definitely going to read the next issue, but it did not grab me at all and a lot of it just made me miss "my" YA, silly as that sounds.
I plan to reread the original series as I wait for the 2nd issue.
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