Jun 27, 2011 10:16
[private to the Admiral]
Admiral, could you please restrict Dracula from being able to see Dr. Rex Lewis's entries and responses on our network. I would also like to protect Dracula's communications from Dr. Lewis. Make them blind to one another on this device.
Also, more importantly, could you please return Dracula's ability to fly with minor restrictions. He may only fly on the main deck or in the CES. I would appreciate an answer on this.
[private to Dracula]
If you don't apologize to Dr. Lewis over the course of this week I will re-assign your work duties to janitorial work for a month. If you think it is beneath you to take responsibility for your mistakes, then I will show you what is truly beneath you. The apology need not be public--in fact you cannot address him on the network at all at the moment--but a private note or private meeting would suffice.
I have requested your flying ability back, with some restriction. I don't know yet if it will be granted. I am undecided about your mesmerization as a self-defense.
Has anyone any idea what the flood is yet?
flood: sharing is caring,
taking a stand,
inmate: dracula,
a polite request,
asking the admiral