151 [text] [backdated to very late last night]

Jun 17, 2011 08:06

It has become obvious that I owe several people, including Dr. Lewis, apologies or more. However, at the moment, I cannot offer more than that. At the moment, I cannot think clearly.

I will say more when I return.

[warden filter]

There is something I have to find out at home. Tis very urgent, or I would try to find a way to make it wait. Dracula has promised me solemnly that he will keep to himself and keep his mouth shut. This is only a few days at most.

At this point, I don't care about the gardens much, but I think Charlie Crews also has keys should anything in that area become an issue.

To tell the truth, whether I return at all depends upon my sister and my wife. I mean to, if it's possible, but it may not be.

I have erred badly, but I never intended anyone else to be hurt. That doesn't change anything.

To those of you who think I am running away, I am very, very sorry. I am not strong enough to do this without knowing what I am leaving to learn.

[friends filter, if he has any left]

I'm so very, very sorry. I hope I make it back to say this again in person, to each of you.

[private to Dracula]

I mean to hold you to your word. When I get back, you and I have some serious work to do to mend our situation here on board. I won't belittle what you've done, but obviously I have approached this entirely wrong. That is not your fault. You may not be pleased with me, but I promise you I will do my best for you when I return.

I will leave the key to my cabin with you if you wish an alternate place to rest. Try not to wreck it. Allow no one else inside. Thank you.

I will see you in just a day or so when I return.

[OOC: Previous general conversation with Dracula assumed with Becca's permission. More details in Armand's hiatus note I'll put on the OOC comm in  a minute.]

confused!armand is confused, going home, fail!warden again?, inmate: dracula, owning up to his mistakes, worried

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