Log of ZIM!

Jun 09, 2005 00:50

9 Sekuik, 700124pr

Oh, come on! I know I told GIR to have the transdimensional flux agitation portal-door thing ready to bring me home on my command. He'd better not have imploded his face on a slushee straw again, or he will RUE THE DAY! Rue it! Yes. Now I am trapped in this stinking place with these disgusting humans and even uglier other things!

But victory will still be mine! I am an Invader, I will simply infiltrate and conquer this place, and from here, LAUNCH AN ATTACK ON THE EARTH!


Now, I must find a place to stay while I make my plans. Hmm. I wonder if Tak is still mad at me? As a janitor, she is obligated to serve her superiors, which is me, ZIM! Yes! I will find Tak and order her to turn over her resources to a superior Invader, which she is not. She can't argue with that.
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