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Comments 89

mridul777 September 14 2011, 19:33:48 UTC
Damon calls Elena ‘kitten’ because it is sweet and romantic and exactly what the author Elena has always wished someone would call her

This "kitten" thing. That makes me do a complete 180 each time I spot it on a fic. WHY KITTEN?

The Gospel According To Damon/Elena Fic Writers.

THIS. should be laminated and provided as a guidebook handout to every author before they are attempting to write a fic. Good thinking! ;)


youcallitwinter September 14 2011, 19:37:01 UTC

I can totally imagine Damon going:

... )


mridul777 September 14 2011, 19:48:42 UTC
Man...where do you even come up with these awesome examples...I'm still grabbing my belly and laughing so hard. FIRST your gospel and now THIS..... annoyed Damon, although I have to admit your GOSPEL was waaay more funny, you should seriously consider putting it on on some bulletin board or sumthing like that..... :D

Although don't you think he would do something like this first:

... )


youcallitwinter September 14 2011, 19:57:41 UTC
Haha, it's just that there's SO MUCH FIC out there that it just seems to me incredibly annoying that there isn't good fic, or if there is, it's just obscured by layers and layers of WTF. I shall definitely put it up and annoy all of fandom someday, heh :D

THAT GIF IS AWESOME, OMG HOW DOES IAN'S FACE WORK? He has such amazing expressions! And definitely, that is EXACTLY HIS REACTION.

(Okay now I SO need crack!fic where Damon reads D/E fanfiction)


eenaangel September 14 2011, 19:43:12 UTC

It really sucks to gear up to read a fic and find that certain characters have been dropped on their heads and/or have been replaced by their evil twin (and not just Katherine, but like an eviller and bitchier twin so HATES everyone and is completely selfish and whiny).

And you're not being bitchy-you're being right. There's a difference :)


youcallitwinter September 14 2011, 19:51:06 UTC
I DON'T EVEN GET IT. It's like someone just thought up a plot (if that) and added the names Elena and Damon to it, and it wouldn't make a whit of difference if they were called Corlosfunt and Gabrielten instead. And actors being insanely hot makes for a lot more gratuitous smut!fic than would exists in a normal fandom, I've noticed.

And you're not being bitchy-you're being right.

Haha, well, easy for you to say, you're incredible with characterization and your Caroline makes me go <3_____<3


eenaangel September 15 2011, 05:01:20 UTC
*Blushes* You are too kind. And last I checked, you were no slouch in the characterization department either. I just read your latest Caroline fic-and am busy trying to find the right words for a review. It's just made of so much AWESOME that I'm struggling . . .

*Goes to finish review of epically AWESOME fic*


youcallitwinter September 15 2011, 12:12:46 UTC
YOU'RE JUST TOO NICE TO ME /mutual appreciation society :D


goldenusagi September 14 2011, 19:43:54 UTC
Maybe I'm incredibly picky, too. Wait, I know I am. I should still be able to find something though. Right? And do no get me started on the woeful lack of in character Elijah, or, well, Elijah, period. Why is there not more Elijah fic?

But I decided to dip my toe into the world of reading TVD fic, and...I didn't find much? Maybe I need to look more? I went looking for Damon/Elena fic, specifically the kind of fic that I like to read, which is long, plotty, getting together fic. One shots are fine later, but when I start with a new fandom, the first thing I want is long, plotty, getting together fic. But I mostly found a bunch of AUs where they're rock stars? Am I just missing the canon long fic?

what I always find incredibly annoying in fic is when the third party in a ‘triangle’ or whatever is vilified to make the ship seem more legitimate

So much this, too. Character assassination is a major turnoff.


youcallitwinter September 14 2011, 20:03:16 UTC
THE FANDOM SHOULD BE BANNED FROM TOUCHING ELIJAH'S FLAWLESSNESS BASICALLY. But seriously, nothing annoys me so much as badly written Elijah, I don't even know why. And people have him saying all the cutesy stuff to Caroline or Elena and I'm all UGH, NO, STOP. I think we might even be grateful there's not more Elijah fic.

But I mostly found a bunch of AUs where they're rock stars?

HAHAHAHA, I KNOW, RIGHT? Actually there are some incredible AU's (which I haven't read because I rarely read AU's but have tried a bit) but most of them are just word-to-word copies of Mills and Boons, not even kidding. Like, I get WHY you would imagine Damon as the Greek business tycoon in His Virgin Mistress or whatever (obv his face), but seriously?

Character assassination is the worst and makes me stop reading fic immediately.


wheatear September 14 2011, 19:48:36 UTC
Hahaha, have you been reading Damon/Elena fic? I knew there was a reason I avoided most of that.


youcallitwinter September 14 2011, 19:54:37 UTC
Haha, I've not been reading it as in present-tense reading it, but I ship it so hard that I couldn't help myself, and OMG, NOT GOING THERE AGAIN. Although, it's AMAZING for the lulz. CONFLICT, I TELL YOU. Also, this post salutes you for being a freaking awesome characterizer *nods*


wheatear September 14 2011, 19:58:02 UTC
:D Thank you! I think I'm honestly at a point where I just don't see how Damon/Elena could happen so I never buy it in fic (and I can't write it either)... which is going to make it interesting when it happens in the show. I'm seriously wondering how they're going to go there.


youcallitwinter September 14 2011, 20:06:31 UTC
Oh, I know, it's so hard to write them in fic D: I ship it so much and then I try writing them and when I've finished writing, they're still not together :s I never end up making them a couple because I genuinely don't see how all their issues can be resolved (and if they are resolved, it'd require a Big Bang, 45000 word piece, which I'm just too lazy to attempt). So really can't wait to see what S3 does with it!


badboy_fangirl September 14 2011, 20:42:20 UTC


Or maybe this list is everything that's wrong with my fic? Only time will tell *g*

Although, I didn't make Elena a virgin. In fact I even reference that she slept with Matt BEFORE Stefan BEFORE Damon. But Damon was by far the best, obvs.


arabian September 14 2011, 21:33:33 UTC

As if it would be any other way.

And, duh, OF COURSE she slept with Matt before Stefan. If Stefan was her first, we so would have known about it from Caroline mentioning it, if nothing else!

How anyone can claim Elena is a virgin in canon is just -- no words.


youcallitwinter September 15 2011, 12:18:11 UTC
I CAN'T WAIT TO READ YOUR BABY!FIC EITHER (AND OMG 50,000 WORDS, YOU DESERVE ALL THE KUDOS IN THE WORLD). That's actually my personal opinion, you NEED that sort of length to make it actually happen, otherwise it can just be hinted at! ]

PLEASE, YOU KNOW YOUR FIC WILL BE EPIC, quite literally, in fact, heh.

THANK GOD. Honestly, it's like no one remembers Matt at all and conveniently get around Stefan and voila, virgin! D/E SEX OMG OMG OMG, AND DAMON BEING SUITABLY SEDUCTIVE YAY


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