Between Two Points - Puckurt - MA - Part 03/?

Jan 01, 2012 10:10

Title: Between Two Points
Author: youaredriving aka Scarletsptember
Characters: Kurt, Puck, Santana, Other Originals
Warnings: Slash, Escort!fic, Language
Rating: MA
Summary: At twenty-six Kurt Hummel is one of the most successful club owners in LA. He has drive, a knack for business and keeps his personal life to himself. Not that he has much of a personal life seeing as he’s constantly on the move and making sure everything runs smoothly. So upon the opening of his second club, an event not to be missed, Kurt takes the advice of one of his favorite bar tenders. He hires an escort for the event to settle rumors of a damaged heart and the soulless business owner. It is either the biggest mistake he has ever made or the best.

Kurt's heart was racing the moment he stepped out from the car and towards Illuminations. He wasn't sure if it was excitement for the upcoming night or if it was fear thrumming through his chest. Pushing the feelings away Kurt led Puck in and through the maze of the back corridor. Once they reached the main floor where employees were scattered around making last minute adjustments, Kurt really felt like he had done it. He had managed to get Illuminations up and running.

"Uh," Kurt rubbed at his forehead, "I have a few things to check with the bartenders and make sure everyone showed up tonight. If you want to hang out at the bar it's cool. Or if you want to tag along that would be okay too. It's up to you whatever you want to do. Oh and I need to call and check in with Santana over at Spellbound to make sure everything is in order for the night."

Puck's eyes widened at the speed of Kurt's speech. He managed to get every word out in one breath before he gave in and took another deep breath to make up for it. Puck reached out and set his hands on Kurt's shoulders, staring the bundle of frazzled nerves right in the eye, "Can you do me a favor?"

Kurt didn't bat an eye when he answered, "Sure."

Puck grinned at that before he stepped closer and let his fingers linger at the side of Kurt's neck. He could feel the racing pulse against the pads of his fingers; in turn it made him a bit anxious on Kurt's behalf. "Would you just slow down and take a deep breath? For me?"

Kurt nodded and followed Puck's instructions, his hands curling into fists and then relaxing out upon exhalation.

"Now, everything is fine. We're here early just in case something isn't but with how thorough you sound like you've been everything is going to go off without a hitch. So right now, I'm going to hang with you. It'll make things look better and it'll help me learn a little more about you and this place."

"Okay," Kurt smiled up at Puck, "Let me introduce you to everyone and show you around."

Puck walked with a hand on the small of Kurt's back as they headed towards the bar. There were two men and a woman listening to who Puck assumed was the head bartender as she directed them on what they were supposed to be doing and what they should be prepared for. Kurt politely cleared his throat and got their attention.

"Kurt!" The blonde who had been barking out orders grinned, "Want a drink to prepare you for the night?"

Kurt choked at the suggestion, he coughed and Puck patted his back, "I don't think I can handle a drink right now Melissa. I just wanted to make sure everything was in order over here. That we have plenty of everything and there isn't going to be any trouble tonight."

There were twin replies from the guys that everything was cool and the other woman, propped her hands on her hips, "Kurt Hummel, just because I was an airhead in school doesn't mean I'm one now."

Puck could see the fondness in Kurt's eyes as he playfully snapped right back at her, "Look Brit, I never know with you. Santana said you could handle this but I never know with you two."

Brittany's mouth dropped open, "Kurt!"

Kurt leaned over the counter and gave her a hug, "You know I'd be lost without you two here. Just let me know if you need anything if there are rowdy customers you know how to get security over here."

"Scream like little girls," one of the guys offered.

"Hey now, Cody you should take care of these lovely ladies. They're the main tip makers," Kurt's grin was full of mirth. "I'm counting on you guys. That includes you too Andrew. I haven't forgotten about you over there in the corner."

"You got it boss," Andrew mock saluted Kurt, "We've got this taken care of and we all know if it gets too busy you'll be right back here with us. Go do whatever it is you thought you needed to do before we open."

"Your guy want anything to drink?" Brittany offered before Kurt ushered them off.

"Water?" Puck licked his lips already feeling the anxiety wafting off of Kurt.

"He's got that stocked up in his fridge in the office, he'll get you taken care of," Brittany looked pointedly at Kurt for introductions.

Kurt tucked his hands in his pockets and looked over to Puck and then back at the group that had gathered as close as they could with the bar counter separating them and Kurt, "Oh sorry guys. Puck this is everybody. Everybody this is Puck."

Brittany scoffed, "I'm Brittany, that's Melissa, and the two guys over there are Cody and Andrew. Someone seems to have forgotten our names when he isn't insulting us."

"Hey," Kurt protested while he tugged on the bottom of his jacket uncomfortably, "It's just, so much going on!"

Brittany laughed, "I was just messing with you."

Puck nudged Kurt before leaning over the counter and shaking hands with each of them, "Glad to have met you guys."

"We're glad to have met you, Puck," Brittany's smile softened, "You're a lucky guy to have Kurt on your arm this evening. Now get out of here and get ready for a night full of sin."

Puck chuckled at the way Kurt was shooed out of the bar area and they headed behind it and up a stair case, "They seem to really enjoy working for you."

"I try to make it good for my employees," Kurt shrugged, "I like knowing about them and hearing about what's going on in their lives."

"And you're worried about how things are going to go tonight?" Puck shot a look of disbelief towards Kurt. Kurt ducked his head down to avoid Puck seeing his blush as he punched in the new pass code for his office.

"Any ways, if they hated you then you should be worried. They seem like a group of people who will have your back. There shouldn't be anything to worry about."

That got a smile out of Kurt as he gestured for Puck to take a seat as he moved to the mini-fridge and pulled out two bottles of water along with two sandwiches. He passed Puck's half over and settled in on the seat next to him, "I figured it would be good to eat something before things got too hectic. Some nights I don't eat until I wake up again."

"You will never see me turn food down," Puck leaned back and let out a sigh. "So when does all the partying start?"

Checking his watch, Kurt answered with his knee bouncing, "In about thirty minutes. Early for a club night but an opening there is always getting people into the clubs and the paparazzi lingering around outside the doors for the celebrities and such."

"And there's you," Puck pointed out and he took a large bite of the sandwich.

Kurt nodded solemnly, "And me."

"It's going to be fine though. Field a few questions, take a few pictures and everything is going to turn out all right. Then you can get to what you love about running one of these places." Puck reassured Kurt. His words were far more comforting than Kurt wanted to admit to. It was as if Puck knew all the right things to say, when to say them and what tone to say them with.

"So tell me about your self," Kurt offered, "If you can or want to that is."

Kurt fumbled with where to go from there. He wasn't too sure as what was appropriate to ask of Puck or if he should stay away from personal information completely. "Sorry, I just, I was trying to make conversation with you and I'm not really sure where to go. You know?"

"It's cool," Puck wiped his hands on a napkin, "If there is anything that I don't want to answer, I won't. It's as simple as that. As for telling you about my self, what do you want to know?"

"Are you just an escort or do you also do something else?" Kurt blushed as the question burst from his lips but he couldn't help asking it. He really wanted to know but he wasn't sure if he had crossed a line with asking Puck that. "Sorry."

"Nah, it's okay," Puck scratched at the back of his neck, "When I first started I was in college - needed a way to pay off student loans and a place to live. After I graduated it wasn't easy finding work so I stuck with it. I probably make more money doing this then what I could have been doing."

"Which was?" Kurt prompted.

"Music," Puck shrugged, "I probably would have been one of those guys you see standing on the corner hoping for a few bucks. I still play and sing here and there, but I needed something that would consistently provide. So what made you get into the business of owning clubs?"

Kurt snorted, "I don't really know."

"Oh come on," Puck gulped down a mouthful of water, "There has to be some reason that you decided to go this way. Owning one of the top ten clubs in LA doesn't just fall into your lap. You have to want it."

"Okay," Kurt rolled his eyes, "When I was younger the music, the energy, every bit of being in a club made me feel good. It still does being on the business side of things too. I wanted to share what I felt when walking into a place like this with other people. If I wouldn't have gone the club route I would have tried something like it. I just like being around people. Believe it or not."

"You love what you do," Puck murmured, "That's the kind of job you want to keep and never let go of it, the job you love."

"Yeah," Kurt agreed. He was about to ask Puck another question when his desk phone chirped. He leaned over and knocked the phone from the cradle and against the desktop before recovering with an embarrassed smile, "This is Kurt."

Kurt mumbled out a few uh huhs before he was standing and brushing the stray crumbs from the sandwich off his pants and straightening his tie. Puck stood quietly and stood the jerky movements. He loosened and fixed the mess Kurt was making of his tie. "I take it we're being summoned down to the festivities?"

"Yeah," Kurt swallowed the lump of anxiety down. He couldn't help it when he brushed a few crumbs from Puck's jacket, "You ready for this?"

"Are you?" Puck echoed back without answering Kurt's question.

"I've got to be," Kurt ushered Puck out of the room and barely registered the arm wrapping around his waist as they made their way out of Illuminations and into the crowd.

As they stepped out of Illuminations Kurt clenched his eyes shut at the bright flashes of light around him. He knew there would be some photos taken but not as many as there were. Puck's grip on his hip tightened and Kurt could feel the warmth of his breath against his ear, "Deep breaths and your eyes will get used to it in a second. If it helps, just look at me."

He couldn't help it. The playful tone Puck used sent him into a fit of laughter as he turned to look up at the mischievous look painted across his companions face. The bright flashes of light surrounded them grew more intense in that moment. "Thank you."

"Not a problem," Puck's smile was gentle and it warmed Kurt's chest. The moment was just enough for him to want more like it. "Now lets get what you need done out here done so you can stop your trembling."

Kurt grabbed Puck's hand and let him towards the side that had a microphone stationed and waiting for him. It seemed like once one person noticed him standing by the microphone, the entire crowd of waiting for admittance into Illuminations noticed him.

"Good evening everyone!" Kurt greeted them happily, "I just wanted to welcome you to the grand opening of Illuminations. I do hope you enjoy all that we have to offer you, something a little different then what you're normally used to. Stick around for a while to get to the special treat we have in store for you tonight."

It was quick and to the point. It was all Kurt was really up for but as soon as he stepped down the bright flashes of light from the paparazzi started back up as people began to enter the club. Kurt turned towards Puck and grinned. Excitement of what the night held trilling through his veins, "You ready?"

"I think I can handle it," Puck reached a hand out and Kurt grasped the waiting hand leading Puck towards the mayhem.

"Kurt! Kurt!"

His name was shouted and he couldn't figure out where to look but he tried his best. "Kurt! I see you've brought a date for the opening of Illuminations. Do you care to comment about it?"

Puck pulled Kurt towards his chest and just smiled, "If you want to talk about Illuminations I'm sure Kurt has plenty to say but for now we're ready to let the party begin."

The way Puck said it didn't bother the paparazzi any. They just spouted off more questions than Kurt could imagine. "How long has Illuminations been in the picture for you Kurt?"

"What are your plans with Spellbound?" Shouted another voice.

"It's good to see you out and about with someone. Is he someone special?" Kurt plastered on a smile and endured the questions for a few more minutes before Puck was tugging him inside and to the protection Illuminations offered him.

"Thank you," Kurt grumbled out as they headed through the crowd and towards the bar. "I don't know how much more of that I could have handled."

"You were turning redder by the second," Puck shrugged, "I figured it might be a good idea to get you out of there. Otherwise the pops might have been talking about your sweet innocence in tomorrows papers."

Kurt burst out with laughter, "It makes you wonder what they could make up doesn't it?"

"I don't even want to try to think like one of those guys," Puck answered, "Their minds are scary places."

Kurt led Puck through a throng of people, asking over his shoulder, "Would you like something to drink?"

"I think that would be in order. Something a little stronger than water though?" Puck suggested and Kurt snorted in amusement as if water were an option now that the night was underway.

With drinks in hand Kurt headed towards a corner table and sat down. He watched as people crowded against each other, laughing, dancing and drinking. The music was loud and he could feel the bass sending vibrations up through the floor and through his body. This was exactly how things were supposed to be. It was perfect.

At least it was; until Puck leaned across the table and placed a soft kiss to the corner of Kurt's lips. He stayed there while he whispered, "Someone's taking photos of us. You might want to look like you're enjoying yourself rather than lost in thought."

Kurt's eyes were wide as he spoke in the security mic he had clipped to the collar of his shirt, "Paparazzi made it in." He looked up to Puck who whispered ten o'clock, red shirt. "He's to my ten, in a red shirt."

Kurt didn't really waste any time, he stood up and offered his hand to Puck, "I do enjoy your company by the way. And my thoughts were happy ones and I was not lost."

Puck took Kurt's hand and stood waiting for whatever was to come, "What are we doing?"

"Dancing," Kurt answered with a smile. "You deserve to enjoy yourself too and hopefully dancing with me won't bother you much."

"Not at all," Puck answered with a wicked grin as Kurt led him out onto the dance floor. Puck could feel the excitement running beneath Kurt's skin as Kurt led them out onto the dance floor. They stood facing each other for a moment before Kurt made a move and pulled Puck closer. His body rocking against Puck's and his hands laced together behind Puck's neck urging him even closer.

Puck dipped his head down so his lips were next to Kurt's ear, "What are you so excited about?"

Kurt looked up and grinned, "I know what's about to happen."

As soon as the words left Kurt's lips the room got darker and loud vibrating boom of bass rang out. Bright purples, greens and blues started to dance across the people and walls of the club. The show of lights received a loud enthusiastic shout in response. The music grew deeper, more sensual as the lights flickered and moved in time with the beat of the music.

Kurt watched as many heads tilted upwards to look at the show on the ceiling. He watched the way Puck looked around in awe. Those reactions were the reason why Kurt did this. He could see the pure bliss passing across peoples' faces. He could feel the energy in the room thicken and coil tightly around him.

He looked up at Puck who was staring at him before he whispered, "Wow."

Kurt let out a happy chuckle before he tugged Puck closer and got lost in the music. He hadn't had nights like this at his clubs. It all boiled down to having someone to share the night with. Now that he had a taste of that feeling, of not being so alone, that he never wanted to let go of it.

slash, puckurt, btp

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