Between Two Points - Puckurt - MA - Part 02/?

Dec 27, 2011 16:57

Title: Between Two Points
Author: youaredriving aka Scarletsptember
Characters: Kurt, Puck, Santana, Other Originals
Warnings: Slash, Escort!fic, Language
Rating: MA
Summary: At twenty-six Kurt Hummel is one of the most successful club owners in LA. He has drive, a knack for business and keeps his personal life to himself. Not that he has much of a personal life seeing as he’s constantly on the move and making sure everything runs smoothly. So upon the opening of his second club, an event not to be missed, Kurt takes the advice of one of his favorite bar tenders. He hires an escort for the event to settle rumors of a damaged heart and the soulless business owner. It is either the biggest mistake he has ever made or the best.

Kurt’s phone chirped obnoxiously loud at nine in the morning. He blearily shut the alarm off and stared up at the ceiling. It was Thursday, his second club was opening on Saturday and he was going to hire an escort today. That was if he could take the step to actually dial the number. He didn’t need a date. He could go by himself and that would be that. Everyone would have to accept it and keep on debating if he really did have love slaves in his basement or if he was so intent on running his business that he didn’t have the time for or a soul for any kind of romance.

It was just one night to settle the shitty rumors and fuel the kinder ones. Who knows, maybe he would get the paparazzi off of his back and that would be that. He was another normal club owner who was off the market. So what was so interesting about that?

He needed a shower first. He most definitely needed a shower and to eat breakfast. Then he had to make a few other calls to be sure he had everything in order. The most pressing matter was the alcohol shipment that was coming in this afternoon. He had to make sure his bar was fully stocked and his new bartenders knew the lay of the land. He didn’t need any mess ups. Rubbing his eyes Kurt pulled him self from the plush comfort of his bed and into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Once he had all those tasks done, he’d hire an escort. Maybe.

Everything was in order. At least that was how it appeared at noon. His bartenders were coming in and they were going to get a signature drink for Illuminations pinned down. As soon as they were all behind the bar and chatting amicably about who would be stationed where Kurt ducked to the far end of the room and pulled out the business card.

Cupid’s Consort. What kind of name was that anyway? Did they just want to spell out the obvious nature of their business? Kurt was this close to ripping the card to shreds and going without a date like he always did. But the little voice at the back of his mind asked him what if having someone there would stop the stupid rumors. Having a date could make it worse but seriously? Love slaves in his basement? He didn’t even have a basement. That was what made Kurt dial the number and settle in a booth no one could really see him in.

“Thank you for calling Cupid’s Consort, where all your needs are met. What are you interested in?”
Kurt’s mouth dropped in shock at the suggestive opening. He figured there would be some sort of veiled answering service, not a raspy voice on the other end of the line.

“Are you still on the line?”

“Sorry,” Kurt answered immediately, “I’m not sure what I’m interested in.”

“How about you tell me what made you call us today?”

Kurt didn’t have an ounce of a clue as to who he was speaking with but if he hung up now he wasn’t going to be calling back. “I have an event I need a companion for. It is a club opening so paparazzi are going to be there along with a few famous faces. I’m not interested in anything other than a companion for a few hours.”

“All right, let me see what I can do for you.” Kurt could hear a keyboard clicking and clacking against manicured nails in the background before the woman spoke again, “We are going to need some basic information from you sir but I’m going to transfer you over to Amanda to get you all set up if you will agree to a background check. It is for the safety of our employees, you understand?”

Kurt understood that completely. Sending someone you employed to a killer would not be good for business. “That’s fine. What will I need?”

“Ah, Amanda will know the specifics if you’ll hold for me please?”

“Sure,” Kurt bit into his lip and wished he had a drink. This was nerve racking to say the least.

“Cupid’s Consort, where all your needs are met, this is Amanda. How may I assist you?”

“Hi Amanda,” Kurt said awkwardly and his ears twitched at the sound of manicured nails clacking against a keyboard in the background.

“You were looking for a companion to a public event I see,” Amanda started before Kurt started fumbling for something to say.

“Yes ma’am.” Kurt nodded even though she couldn’t see him.

“You’re polite, that’s good,” Amanda commented, “I just need a name, driver’s license number and address so
I can run a background check before we actually get to the good stuff. It’ll all take just a moment to actually do, so I’ll keep you on the line.”

“Not a problem. I’m Kurt Hummel,” Kurt started and he heard a choked off cough almost as if he took the girl by surprise.

“Sorry about that Mr. Hummel, I have a talent for choking on thin air. I just need your license number and for you to verify some information for me.”

Kurt rattled off the number and answered that yes, the address she pulled up was current. No he had never been convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony. No he didn’t mind the background check. Yes he would hold.
Kurt was tapping his fingers to the hold music for a few minutes before Amanda came back on the line, “It looks like everything is in order Mr. Hummel. Would you prefer a female or male companion?”

“Male,” Kurt answered automatically and he grimaced at how eager he sounded. He was so frazzled about the whole situation he couldn’t help it.

“Do you have any requirements of the escort?”

“He needs to be comfortable in a crowd and able to be in the spotlight. I don’t have any physical requirements if that is what you are asking.”

“Well we have one escort who is perfect for public events. He isn’t afraid of the limelight, he is a bit blunt and to the point.”

“That won’t be a problem,” Kurt rubbed a hand over his face, “If anything it will probably be a good thing.”

“All right then. I have you booked for Saturday night with Noah. What time would you like him to meet you and where?”

“If he could meet me around five in the evening, at my residence? That would be best for me? I have to be at the club early to make sure everything is right.”

“That won’t be a problem at all. I’ll let Noah know that you’ll be expecting him. Is there anything else I can assist you with?”


“Ah yes,” Kurt could almost see Amanda nod. Well what he expected her to look like, something like a Jersey Shore wanna be. “We accept all major credit cards. On your statement it will appear as Harold’s Hardware. Depending on how long Noah is with you it can cost up to one thousand dollars per a night of just friendly companionship. If you go any further it will cost more.”

“Not to worry,” Kurt felt his cheeks flush at the suggestion that he would pay for sex. “It won’t go that far.”

“All right, which type of card will it be?”

Kurt closed his eyes still not able to believe that he is about to pay for a so-called date to the opening of his own club, “Do you accept Discover?”

“We sure do Mr. Hummel.”

Kurt’s stomach was so twisted he hadn’t even managed to completely get dressed before his doorbell was ringing. He checked his watch and let out an audible groan. For once could someone be late in their lives? Quickly checking over his appearance in the mirror Kurt frowned. His face was flushed, he looked as if he were about to break out into a sweat and his eyes were wide with anxiety. He hadn’t even managed to button his shirt up correctly. Maybe this was a bad idea. Okay beyond bad.

“Calm down,” Kurt took a deep breath and curled his fists together before forcing himself to stretch his fingers out, “Just take a deep breath and calm down.”

The door bell rang a second time stealing Kurt from telling himself to calm down for a third time. He jogged through his house and pulled the door open with excuses tumbling from his lips before he actually saw who he was talking to. “I’m so sorry about this. I’m running late and I can’t seem to find my tie and my jacket needs to be steamed again because I’m such a spaz. Oh shit, I didn’t even fix my shirt before answering the door.”

“Hey,” A pair of warm hands wrapped around Kurt’s to cut off the wild gestures. Kurt finally looked up at the man who he was paying to be his companion for the night and his breath stopped in his chest. This man, oh boy, was he something, calmly unbuttoned and fixed Kurt’s shirt as he spoke, “Calm down. I’m Noah and I’m assuming that you’re Kurt Hummel.”

Kurt nodded, “Would you like to come inside. It’s a bit muggy out today.”

“Thanks, that would be great” Noah stepped into Kurt’s house with a blank face. As soon as they stepped into the living room Noah’s lips stretched into a smile. Obviously what he saw wasn’t what he was expecting to find. Not many people thought Kurt would have so many pictures of his family and some of his favorite employees at the club lingering on his walls. More often than not people expected to see stark white walls
and some modern art he couldn’t even fathom to understand the point of.

Kurt rolled his lips together, “Not what you were expecting of me was it?”

“The nerves or the pictures of the people you care about?” Noah shook his head, “I honestly didn’t expect you to be so…”

“Human,” Kurt chuckled. “It’s okay. The rumor mill about me is out of control. I don’t see why people want to know anything about me. There are more celebrities that are probably far more interesting than I am. Local rumor mills are not a fun place to be a part of.”

“It’s because you managed to show up from the middle of nowhere and you made a name for yourself.” Noah offered before checking his watch keeping them on time. “It’s almost five we should probably finish getting you ready.”

“Oh shit,” Kurt darted down the hall to finish getting ready. He was struggling with his tie before Noah stepped in to help. Kurt swallowed as he watched the man focus on his task, “Do you like being called Noah or should I call you something else?”

“You can call me Noah or you can call me Puck. That’s up to you.” Puck smoothed the tie out and smiled at Kurt.

“I think,” Kurt pursed his lips together, “You look like you’d appreciate me calling you Puck more than me calling you Noah.”

“You are a wise man, Kurt Hummel.” Puck nodded before he was holding Kurt’s jacket and aiding Kurt is putting it on. “You didn’t need to steam this again by the way.”

“Oh,” Kurt shook his head, “I just get so nervous before things like this I over do everything.”

“There’s no reason to be anxious,” Puck soothed, “You’re a successful business owner. You’re smart, if what Amanda prattled on about is true. Everything is going to go just fine.”

Kurt ducked his head down, “I don’t know why it takes someone else reminding me of what I’ve done for it to actually sink in.”

“Eh,” Puck shrugged, “It happens. So how are we getting to this shindig?”

Kurt grinned as he led Puck through the house and to the kitchen. He snatched up a set of keys, “I’m driving. Are you ready for tonight?”

“How bad can it be?” Puck shrugged as he followed Kurt through the garage and into a slick black sedan. It wasn’t over the top like he had been expecting. It actually felt like Kurt’s meager hold on normal.

“You haven’t been to a club opening have you?” Kurt asked with wide eyes as he cranked the engine over.

“Clubs aren’t really my thing,” Puck shrugged. “So what should I expect?”

Kurt blinked at Puck’s words. Clubs aren’t really my thing. And Cupid’s Escort thought he would be the perfect companion for the night? He was screwed.

“Earth to Kurt,” Puck waved a hand trying to get his attention, “Should I drive?”

“Definitely not,” Kurt rolled his eyes. “What you should expect at the opening of Illuminations, which is my second club here, is lots of paparazzi. The guest list has a variety of celebrities, and socialites. They’re demanding and pissy so I’ll probably be continuously moving around trying to please them. Then there are people like yourself and me, the normal people of LA. Lots of glitz and glam tonight Puck. Opening night is the most important night of a club’s running hours. It establishes the reputation and earns you future patrons.”

“Okay,” Puck nodded, “But concerning you, what are you comfortable with me doing? I know I’m supposed to be
your ‘companion’ but what does that mean to you?”

Kurt swallowed and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel at a stoplight. “Santana, the bartender at my first club, she says I need someone to ground me. I need someone who can pull me away when things get too intense and keep me on task.”

Kurt stared out the windshield and lightly pushed the gas when the light changed, “I know that sounds like a tall order but I really just need someone to be a friend to me for the night. And the fact I have to pay for
that just blows.”

Puck clicked his tongue and reached across the console, his fingers lightly resting on Kurt’s thigh, “It’s sad that people don’t recognize what they’re missing out on when it comes to you Kurt. You’re an okay guy from what I see. So I’ll tell you what. If you take a deep breath and just believe that I’ve got your back, then you’re going to make it through the evening without problems.”

Kurt looked down at where Puck’s hand was resting on his thigh and licked his lips. He didn’t look over at Puck until he was parked and had managed to calm the racing in his heart down to a jog. “That’s all I need.”

“Right,” Puck leaned over and unbuckled Kurt’s seatbelt. “Let’s show them how awesome you really are.”

slash, puckurt, glee, between two points

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