Others - Glee - Part Three

Sep 02, 2011 12:40

Title: Others
Author: youaredriving
Rating: Teen (liable to change)
Characters: Kurt, Artie, Burt, Blaine, Others
Warnings: AU, Slash, Supernatural beings, Violence
Summary: Kurt Hummel hadn't attended school during the day in over a year. He is part of the population in Lima, Ohion considered to be an Other.

Monday evening had Kurt waking up with his skin warm and sweat dancing along his brow. Becoming a vampire had brought on a lot of changes. The one that he didn’t mind so much was how vivid his dreams became. Chalk it up to enhanced senses or just a side effect of dying, it didn’t really matter.
            The guy at the club, Blaine, had become the main feature of Kurt’s dreams. He was all bright smiles and soft touches that left Kurt hungry for more than a fresh cup of blood. 
            A heavy knock on the steel door jerked Kurt out of his thoughts and the intercom Burt had set up from hallway to basement crackled to life, “You awake in there?”
            Kurt smacked a hand on the intercom speaker, “Barely. Sun’s down?”
            “And a cloud of doom and gloom is out. It’s going to storm tonight so you might want to pack an umbrella and a raincoat.”
            “Thanks Dad,” Kurt grumbled as he sat up and rubbed his face. “I’ll be out in a few.”
            Kurt was already eyeing his shoes in his closet before Burt mumbled out, “Got breakfast waiting.”
            Getting dressed could wait. The cartoon rocket ships in Kurt’s stomach were demanding some kind of substance otherwise he’d be getting vampiric shakes. Not the most delightful experience. Running around town with black eyes and fangs out, it tended to freak everyone the hell out.  
            Burt eyed Kurt curiously as he slurped his drink down, “Someone’s hungry.”
            “Weird dreams,” Kurt waved a hand at his dad while he finished up his drink. He set the mug in the dishwasher and started it up. “Any plans while I’m at school?”
            “Clean up around the house and getting some sleep.” Burt shrugged. “How’s Artie doing?”
            “He was full of energy Friday so today he’s probably going to be crazy.” Kurt shrugged. “Is it okay if I hang out with him after classes?”
            “Just send me a text letting me know where you are if you two don’t come back here.”

“Could today get any more boring?” Artie’s foot was tapping against the book basket under his desk. Kurt sent a cool look towards Artie that stopped the nervous tapping. “Sorry.”
            “It’s okay,” Kurt shrugged. “You going straight home tonight or are you doing something else?”
            “I don’t know,” Artie moaned. “This sucks. I hate full moons.”
            “Come over to mine? We’ll figure something out to keep your mind off of tomorrow.” Kurt suggested.
            “You dad won’t mind housing a rambunctious werewolf along with his vampire son for the night?”
            “He’s my dad,” Kurt rolled his eyes, “He already okayed hanging out.”
            “Good,” Artie nodded, “My parents can’t really handle it. Having a kid who used to live out of a wheelchair but can walk now because he’s a freak? Not the easiest thing in the world to deal with. Especially when I go furry around them. They just get so scared.”
            “I’ve got you covered. Tonight we’ll do whatever and I’ll drop you off at the turning grounds before school.”  Kurt smiled, “Problem solved.”

slash, others, glee

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