Title: Ab Initio
youaredriving aka Scarletsptember
Fandom(s), Characters: Supernatural, Sam/Dean
Total Word Count: 20.106
Rating: R
Warnings: Spoilers for 5x22 after that I take it an entirely different direction. Angst, violence, artistic liberties taken, incest
Summary: It's always been Sam and Dean from the beginning but Sam's time in Hell has changed him. It's made him into the one thing he's feared and he'll do whatever it takes to keep Dean safe. Even if it means staying away. Needing to stay sane he leaves something behind for Dean, just knowing it's there allows him to keep hold on the last threads of his humanity.
Author's Notes: I kind of worked my heart out with this. Did a lot of thinking a lot of re-writing and hoping that everything made sense. I got a ton of people (Okay three, who I owe the world to) to read over this and I feel like this one was a good one.
Part One*
Part Two *
Part Three *
Part Four *
Part Five